
    摘 要:本文研究从苏北产女贞叶中提取齐墩果酸(OA)和熊果酸(UA)的适宜于工业生产的方法。应用乙醇溶剂的回流提取、超声提取和工业酒精+不同浓度NaOH溶液的混合液超声提取方法,对女贞叶中的齐墩果酸和熊果酸进行提取,并经定容后,采用高效液相色谱法进行含量测定分析。色谱柱为C18(250mm×4.6mm,5μm),流动相为甲醇—乙腈—乙酸铵(55:27:18),流速为1.0 mL/min,检测波长210nm,柱温20℃,进样量10μL。实验结果表明:以女贞叶为原料,采用乙醇溶剂(按料液比1:9)的超声提取法效率最高,得到的熊果酸含量(6.1111±0.0026mg/g)远高于齐墩果酸(1.5430±0.0018mg/g)的含量。女贞叶可以作为提取熊果酸的原料,且本文所研究的工艺简单易行,提取率高,溶剂损失少,有推广应用价值。55175


    Abstract: In this paper, a method that the oleanolic acid (OA) and ursolic acid(UA) were extracted from the leaf of Ligustri Lucidum from Subei in Jiangsu province for the suitable industrial production were researched. OA and UA of the Ligustrum leaves were extracted by using two extraction methods (reflux and ultrasound) and two extraction solution (ethanol solvent and mixture of industrial alcohol with different concentrations of NaOH solution). The mixture of Ligustrum leaves and solution were filtered and solution were constant volume, OA and UA in the extraction were determined by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The column was C18 (250mm × 4.6mm, 5μm), mobile phase was methanol-acetonitrile-ammonium acetate (55:27:18) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detection wavelength was 210nm, column temperature was 20 ℃, the injection volume was 10μL. The experimental results showed that UA( 6.1111 ± 0.0026mg/g) has higher efficiency under ethanol solvent (by solid-liquid ratio 1:9) with ultrasound than the mixture of industrial alcohol and different concentrations of NaOH solution with ultrasound. Same as OA(1.5430 ± 0.0018mg/g ) was also higher. Ligustrum leaf may be used as raw materials extracted OA.

    Keywords:ligustrum leaves, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid,ultrasonic extraction,reflux extraction,HPLC

    目  录

    1 绪论 3

    2 实验部分 4

    2.1 仪器、试剂与材料 4

    2.2 高效液相色谱条件 4

    2.3 标准样品的配制与测定 4

    2.3.1 标准样品的配制 4

    2.3.2 标准样品的测定 5

    2.4 标准曲线绘制 5

    2.5 用不同方法测定女贞叶样品的含量 5

    2.5.1 原料准备 5

    2.5.2 乙醇溶剂回流提取 5

    2.5.3 乙醇溶剂超声提取 5

    2.5.4 工业酒精+不同浓度的NaOH溶液超声提取 6

    2.5.5 女贞叶样品不同提取方式含量测定比较 6

    3 结果与讨论 6

    3.1 女贞叶样品中待测峰的判断 6

    3.1.1 样品中待测峰的确定及干扰峰的排除 9

    3.1.2 不同提取方式对女贞叶中两种提取物保留时间的影响比较 10

    3.1.3 待测峰干扰分离效果的考察

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