

Daily processing of 100,000 tons of urban sewage design

Design General Description: The design is to deal with the medium-sized city sewage treatment plant to deal with the city's industrial wastewater. The water quality of the sewage treatment plant is CODcr: ≤380mg / L, BOD5: ≤180mg / L, SS: ≤360mg / L, NH3-N≤50mg / L , TN ≤ 65 mg / L, TP ≤ 3.0 mg / L (the above data can also be determined with reference to the relevant information). After the treatment of waste water into the river, the water quality to meet the "urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standards" (GB18918-2002) in the two standard: the concentration of various types of pollutants in sewage to be reduced to: COD ≤ 100mg L- BOD? 30 mg L, SS? 30 mg L, NH3-N? 25 mg L, TP? 3.0 mg L or less.

Design Basis:

"Pollutant Discharge Standard for Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant" (GB 18918-2002)

"Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (GB 8978-2002)

"Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Discharge Standard" (CJ 3025-93)

"Outdoor Drainage Design Code" (GBJ 14-87)

"Urban sewage treatment project construction standards"

Design principles: the choice of cost-effective technology and equipment, to ensure that the discharge of wastewater treatment standards, save investment, technology and equipment selection, to fully consider the management convenience, simple operation and easy to check and repair, so as to ensure that the entire system can Effective long-term operation, the layout of the layout to be compact, reasonable, as much as possible to save the area, the use of existing pipelines, the use of new technologies and new materials, the use of appropriate pipeline optimization design methods to adjust the pipeline layout.

The main technical information: the design of Carrousel oxidation ditch process (card), the hypoxia, aerobic, anaerobic process together, each part separated by a partition but also to ensure contact, the process of full use of sewage in the oxidation The completion of the cycle of the characteristics of the cycle, the hypoxia zone and the perfect combination of aerobic zone to achieve no power backflow, thereby saving the nitrate needed to remove the mixture of energy consumption, card oxidation ditch because of its excellent nitrogen and phosphorus The ability to run and manage the convenience and impact load capacity has been large-scale use.

This design book includes the selection of sewage treatment process plan, the process to determine the main structure of the design, sewage treatment plant engineering economic analysis and the overall layout. Sewage treatment process: in the grille - to enhance the pump - fine grille - grit chamber - oxidation ditch - secondary settling tank; sludge treatment process: sludge concentration - sludge dewatering.

In order to achieve the design of the water quality water quality standards for the most important consideration, reasonable and practical design, in order to better deal with local sewage; at the same time to ensure that the water quality standards under the premise of the cost savings as much as possible to improve Economy; and in the design of the sewage treatment plant to the application of difficulty, scalability, layout rationality, advanced technology, manageability and other factors into account, the only way to ensure that the processing technology and systems can be long-term effective Urban sewage treatment services.

This design uses an anaerobic tank + oxidation ditch process.

    The main contents of this design book are the comparison of the sewage treatment process options, how to determine the process sequence, and the design and size calculation of the main structures, the technical analysis of the wastewater plant and the economic estimates of the investment estimates, and how to make a reasonable The layout of the plane. The treatment of the sewage begins with the removal of the large particulate matter suspended by the middle grille placed in the initial position of the system, and prevents the large particles from entering the pump house to block the pipeline or subsequent processes to reduce the processing load of the subsequent structures. To the protection of the entire sewage system, the important role, and then through the fine grille to remove the smaller particles can be transferred to the grit chamber for sedimentation, the main sludge and gravel sedimentation, and then into the oxidation ditch After the aerobic anaerobic process to remove the most important part of the sewage treatment of nitrogen and phosphorus removal, and then through the secondary sedimentation tank and disinfection of disinfection and disinfection of a series of structures to achieve the "urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standards" (GB 18918 -2002) in the secondary standard near the discharge to the nearby river, while the sludge through the concentrated pool after dehydration dehydration into a mud cake was transported away. I used in the design of the grit chamber is aeration grit chamber, two sinks are used in the radiating two sink, disinfection methods we use exposure to chlorine disinfection way to kill all kinds of bacteria in the sewage The

















