    摘要:在我国《 生活饮用水卫生标准 》(GB5749-2006)中铁、铜含量被列为常规监控指标,限值分别为0.8mg/L和1.0 mg/L。在可见分光光度计测定中,通常是将被测物质与显色剂反应,生成有色物质。再测其吸光度,进而求得被测物的含量。Fe2+与邻二氮菲在pH为2~9的条件下生成稳定的 1:3 橘红色络合物,在510nm处有最大吸收,ε508=101 104L/(mol•cm), lg K=21.3。测定时,控制溶液酸度在pH=5左右为宜。酸度高时反应慢;酸度太低,离子则容易水解,影响显色。则该方法可测定高铁离子及总铁含量。在测定水中铜离子含量时以缓冲溶液控制试液中的酸度,用EDTA作显色剂测定饮用水中铜;同时又利用EDTA的络合性能,掩蔽铁、铝、镍、锰等干扰离子。此时,二价铜和EDTA生成1:1蓝色络合物。该络合物的最大吸收波长在750nm处,铜量在0-25mg/100ml符合比尔定律。重复性好,结果令人满意。这两方法在上海菁华科技仪器公司实际应用,为扩展公司的以分光光度法为基础的多参数离子浓度测定仪在水质快速检测中的应用,选配适当的检测试剂组合,使用菁华公司多参数离子浓度测定仪,建立测定铜、铁的工作曲线,进行实样测试盒加标回收率试验,取得了良好的效果。9400
     Rapid Determination of spectrophotometer copper and iron in drinking water
    Abstract: In GB5749-2006 of drinking water health standards iron and copper as a routine monitoring indicators, limits were 0.8 mg / L and 1.0 mg / L.In the visible spectrophotometer, typically the reaction of the test substance and the chromogenic agent, to form a colored substance. Measured absorbance, then obtain the content of the analyte. Fe2 + and phenanthroline at a pH of 2 to 9 to form a stable 1:3 orange-red complex at 510nm of maximum absorption, ε508=101 104L/(mol•cm), the lg K = 21.3. Measurement, control the acidity of the solution is preferably in the pH =5. The high acidity can slow response, low acidity affect both ion hydrolysis and the color.This method can determinate iron ions and total iron content. In the determination of the water content of copper ion buffer solution when the pH control solution with EDTA as chromogenic reagent determination of copper in steel; while the use of EDTA complexing properties, masking iron, aluminum, nickel, manganese and other interfering ions. At this time, a palent copper and EDTA generation 1:1 blue complex. The complex has a maximum absorption at a wavelength of 750nm, the amount of copper in 0-25mg/100ml law is obeyed. Reproducible, with satisfactory results. Shanghai Jinhua Instruments spectrophotometry to expand the company's multi-parameter ion concentration detector in the rapid detection of water quality. Selection of suitable detection reagent composition, use the essence of multi-parameter ion concentration detector. Establish a working curve for the determination of copper, the real kind of test kit spiked recovery test and receive a good result.
    KeyWords:Iron ions, copper ions, spectrophotometer, phenanthroline, absorbance, hydroxylamine hydrochloride
    1 前言    1
    1.1理论依据    2
    1.2 国标依据    2
    2 实验内容    4
    2.1 水中铜离子测定    4
      2.1.1 测定微量铜的常用方法    4
         (1)巯基棉富集-高碘酸钾分光光度法    4
         (2)微乳液戒指-深亚铜灵光度法    4
         (3)GDX 富集法    4
      2.1.2 EDTA光度法测铜    5
      2.1.3 双乙醛草酰二肼快速分光光度法    5
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