
    Wastewater is removed larger floats by the thick grid,then the water was raised by pump to regulating pools which is used to regulate water quality and supply stable water for subsequent biological treatment.then the water flows into coagulation and sedimentation process,it’s supposed to clear large particles.Improving biodegradability by hydrolytic acidification is necessary for next treatment.The next phase is bio-contact oxidation process ,it is designed for remove organic matters.
    The design strictly follow countries related regulations,specification and standard which ensure that the processing water quality index reached the appropriate countries emissions  
    standard,refered related design manual and other literature information;the layout of waterwater treatment device is compact and smooth ,meanwhile,it is supposed to reduce occupied area as far as possible,adhere to the total chief principles by combination of practical and beautiful phase,select simple process;Adopting mature and practical process ;Reducing engineering investment and the running cost and adapting  by optimization design.
    Key words: design;papermaking wastewater;biocontact oxidation;biochemical process.
    1引言    1
    1.1造纸废水排放现状    1
    1.2造纸废水的来源和特点    1
    1.3造纸废水处理传统工艺    2
    1.4国内外造纸废水处理研究动态    3
    1.4.2 电凝聚技术    4
    1.4.3 HCR工艺    4
    1.4.4 真菌技术    4
    2设计说明    5
    2.1设计背景    5
    2.1.1 课题内容    5
    2.1.2 课题意义    5
    2.1.3 设计原则    5
    2.2污水处理方案的比较与选择    5
    2.2.1预处理工艺的比较和选择    5
    2.2.2 生化工艺的比较和选择    8
    2.2.3最终方案的确定    10
    2.2.4 工艺流程的确定    11
    2.3主要构筑物的设计    11
    2.3.1格栅    11
    2.3.2提升泵房    12
    2.3.3机械搅拌澄清池    12
    2.3.4接触氧化池    13
    2.4污水厂平面和高程布置    13
    2.4.1 平面布置    13
    2.4.2 高程布置    14
    2.5 效益分析    15
    2.5.1 环境效益    15
    2.5.2社会效益    15
    2.5.3经济效益    15
    2.6 污水厂运行管理    16
    2.6.1 污水厂运行管理    16
    2.6.2污水处理厂运行中的注意事项    16
    2.6.3 劳动定员    16
    3 设计计算书    17
    3.1格栅井    17
    3.1.1设计说明    17
    3.1.2设计参数    17
    3.1.3设计计算    18
    3.1.5格栅选型    20
    3.2调节池    20
    3.2.1 设计说明    20
    3.2.2 设计参数    20
    3.2.3 设计计算    21
    3.3澄清池    21
    3.3.1设计说明    21
    3.3.2设计计算    22
    3.3.3计算示意图    28
    3.4水解酸化池    29
    3.4.1池体容积计算    29
    3.4.2配水方式    30
    3.4.3出水设计    30
    3.4.4设备选型    31
    3.5接触氧化池    31
    3.5.1设计说明    31
    3.5.2设计计算    32
    3.6二沉池    36
    3.6.1辐流式沉淀池设计说明    36
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