Title The preparation of the aluminium-alumina- conductive polymer capacitor
Abstract In this paper,we study features and preparation process of the compact alumina films by changing different kinds of neutral electrolytes。At the same time, a chemical vapor-phase polymerization method was employed to prepare poly-3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (PEDOT) as conducting films on the surface of the compact alumina films。In this study,we successfully prepared the compact alumina films through anodic oxidation of constant current and limit voltage。 The electrochemical performances of the compact alumina films are improved by introducting doping and anti-doping。the PEDOT conducting films are prepared by the vapor-phase polymerization method on the surface of the compact alumina films。
Result shows that the lowest leakage current of the compact alumina films is 5 μ A/cm2 at the voltage of 160V,and the highest dielectric constant is 10。17 under the frequency of 50Hz。The dielectric constant is also increaced after the polymerization of the PEDOT films。We find that the electrochemical performances of the compact alumina films are vastly improved by choosing the specific anodic oxidation electrolytes。The appropriate preparation process can help to improve the electrochemical performances,too。We also find that it’s a feasible way to prepare PEDOT conducting films by using a vapor-phase polymerization method。
Keywards compact alumina films;PEDOT;vapor-phase polymerization method;leakage current;dielectric constant
1 引言 1
1。1 选题背景与意义 1
1。2 氧化铝致密膜概述 1
1。2。1 致密膜的电化学性能表征 1
1。3 PEDOT概述 2
1。3。1 PEDOT简介 2
1。3。2 PEDOT应用进展 4
1。3。3 PEDOT的聚合工艺 5
1。4 研究的内容和目的 7
2 致密膜的制备 8
2。1 实验药品及仪器 8
2。1。1 实验药品