
    Chinalco Shanghai Copper through cognitive training, according to Chinalco Shanghai Copper Co. existing production processes and products, smelting process for the production of the product formulation, preparation of rolling system, roller-type system formulation, motor ability school nuclear, roll strength check, according to Chinalco Shanghai Copper fieldwork situation, understand the various copper production processes, plant a variety of existing equipment, as well as the specific location of each device, as a reference, and then use Auto CAD computer software to map out their own design products plant design drawings.
    Existing equipment in the internship site conditions, the transformer special copper for product technology designed to meet the product requirements of the relevant technical standards.
    Through the data access and collection, learned despite the continuous development of our copper strip production, but still can not meet the need, imports rise. In particular the production of high precision copper strips domestic variety, quality and quantity can not meet the needs of the market, is caused by massive imports of copper with one of the main.
    Reform and opening up 20 years, China's rapid economic development, but also led to the transformer industry. So far, China's installed capacity of the generator has reached 320GW. However, China's economic development is not balanced and electricity, the demand for electricity in various regions and growth rate are very different. Such as: In the power industry developed in Shanghai and other coastal areas, electricity consumption up to 14% annual rate of increase. But on the national level, electricity consumption growth rate of around 5% on average. Transformer capacity in accordance with the ratio of 10:1, the annual increase in capacity of the transformer 160 million kVA, while the annual demand distribution transformer kVA in about 60 million or so.
    Current transformer manufacturers as many as one thousand, in front of a huge market there is intense competition. This requires transformer manufacturers able to produce good economic performance, high reliability products, new materials developed for the new transformer may be provided. Which transformer copper production as well as the design of the transformer performance will play a decisive role on the market.
    Keywords: T2 copper; process design; research report

    1 绪论    1
    1.1 概述    1
    1.2 国内外铜板带材生产现状    1
    1.3设计原则    2
    2 市场分析    3
    2.1 国内外铜板带的需求    3
    2.2 相关产业紫铜板带需求预测    3
    3 设计方案    3
    3.1 产品方案    3
    3.2 主要生产工艺和生产设备    4
    3.2.1 生产工艺流程及其工序    4
    3.2.2 生产设备及其主要技术性能参数    5
    4 产品工艺制度的制定    8
    4.1 熔铸工艺的制订    8
    4.2 加热工艺的制定    9
    4.3 轧制制度的编制    9
    4.3.1 热轧部分    9
    4.3.2 冷轧部分    13
    4.4  热处理工艺的制订    25
    4.4.1 再结晶退火工艺的制订    25
    4.4.2 成品热处理工艺的制订    26
    5 力能参数的计算    26
    5.1轧制力计算    36
    5.1.1 热轧轧制力计算    36
    5.1.2 冷轧轧制力计算    38
    5.2轧制力矩和传动总力矩的计算    43
    5.2.1 热轧轧制力矩和传动总力矩计算    43
    5.2.2 冷轧轧制力矩和传动总力矩计算    46
    6 设备校核    48
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