    摘要我们使用EPD实验方法在三电极体系下,制得了以泡沫镍为载体的附着有NiO的石墨烯电极。XPS分析结构显示在石墨烯表面的镍离子被还原变为金属镍,接着金属镍在空气中被氧化变为NiO。从SEM图像可以看出NiO均匀的分散在石墨烯片层间,整体呈现错综夹杂的三文结构。在NiO/RGO电极上石墨烯提供双电容,NiO提供赝电容,赝电容的存在使电极的电容性能得到提升。在CV实验中当扫速为50 mVs-1时仍然有一对氧化还原峰,说明电极的电容性能得到提升。当电流密度为10 A g-1时2× NiO/RGO组电极的电容达到716 F g-1,显示出较好的电容性能。
    Title  An electrophoresis method to Fabricate Graphene Hybrid Material
    NiO-coated graphene (RGO) sheets were fabricated on nickel foam by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) from Ni2+-decorated GO suspension using a three-electrode device.  XPS analyses demonstrate that nickel ions are reduced to metal Ni on RGO surfaces and subsequently oxidized to NiO. SEM observation reveals that the composite films possess a 3D network-like architecture formed by the open space between the graphene sheets and the RGO are decorated by NiO particles that act as a charging layer of the electric double layer capacitor and the electronic collection substrate of NiO pseudocapacitor. We found that the rate property of the as-prepared electrode was improved due to an electrochemical redox reaction indicated by a couple of peaks even at a higher scan rate of 50 mVs-1. The electrode constructed with 2× NiO-coated RGO films on nickel foam exhibits the best capacitive behavior, with a capacitance of 716 F g-1 at a current density of 10 A g-1.
    Keywords: graphene oxide, graphene, nickel oxide, electrophoretic deposition, supercapacitors
    目   次  
    1 引言    1
    1.1 石墨烯(Graphene)    1
    1.1.1 石墨烯的物理结构    1
    1.1.2 石墨烯的电子结构    2
    1.1.3 石墨烯的独特性能    3
    1.1.4 石墨烯的应用前景    3
    1.2 石墨烯的制备方法    4
    1.2.1 微机械力剥离法    4
    1.2.2 外延生长法    5
    1.2.3 化学气相沉积法    5
    1.2.4 氧化石墨还原法    6
    1.2.5 其它制备方法    6
    1.3 超级电容器    7
    1.3.1 超级电容器的工作原理    7 双电层电容    7法拉第准电容    8
    1.3.2超级电容器的结构    8
    1.3.3超级电容器的特点    9
    1.3.4 超级电容器电极材料    10 碳基电极材料    10 金属氧化物材料    11 导电聚合物材料    11 复合电极材料    12
    1.3.5 超级电容器的应用领域    12
    2 实验部分    15
    2.1 原料与仪器设备    15
    2.2 实验步骤    15
    2.2.1  改进的Hummers法    15
    2.2.2 带正电荷的氧化石墨烯悬浮液的获得    16
    2.2.3 氧化石墨烯电泳沉积    16
    2.2.4 氧化石墨烯的还原    16
    2.2.5 性质表征    16
    3 结果和讨论    18
    3.1 电极照片    18
    3.2  XPS分析    18
    3.3 拉曼光谱分析    20
    3.4  扫描电镜(SEM)    21
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