    毕业论文关键词:农村留守家庭; 5-6岁儿童; 情感状况
     A Case Analysis of the Emotional Status of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Family Left-Behind in Rural Areas
    Abstract: In recent years there is a large number of special group in the countryside named left-behind children. With the increasing number of the group, It becomes more serious about their education .The performance of emotion Is meaningful to the formation of personality and good quality, so the research takes those kindergarten taipans of 5 to 6 years old in YongCheng for example, it analyzes the emotional state of those left-behind children By using interview and observation method. From four dimensions of the emotional problems which included the low ability of emotional expression and self-control ,The narrow innovation and interests ,The lack of compassion and collective sense ,it shows that the mainly reasons of these emotional problems from many aspects: the less Contaction with  their migrant parents, the lack of guardians, rational love ,low level of teachers which have little interaction with  guardians ,less attention to the emotional education from  society. Beased on this reasons the research puts forward three angles in providing theoretical supports to improve the emotional state, which composed of families, more attention to the emotional education ,guardians, changes in the sense of education ,the kindergarten’s efforts to   improve the education environment ,the more attention to preschool education from society
    Keywords: Rural families left behind; Children 5-6 years old; Emotional status
    目  录
    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、农村留守家庭5-6岁儿童情感概述    2
    (一)农村留守家庭    2
    (二)5-6岁儿童情感体现    2
    二、农村留守家庭5-6岁儿童情感问题及成因分析    2
    (一)情感表达与控制能力低下及成因分析    3
    (二)创新能力与兴趣爱好范围窄小及成因分析    4
    (三)同情心缺失及成因分析    5
    (四)集体感意识薄弱及成因分析    6
    三、缓解农村留守家庭5-6岁儿童情感问题的建议    8
    (一)家庭应该重视情感教育    8
    (二)幼儿园应该积极改善自己的教育环境    9
    (三)政府和社会要重视留守儿童的情感教育    10
    参考文献    11
    附录Ⅰ    12
    附录Ⅱ    13
    致谢    14
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