


     The dilemma and Countermeasures of "Learning plan" in primary schools in Xuzhou City


    "Learning plan" is the current teaching model in Xuzhou, the purpose is to improve the current classroom teaching atmosphere, so that students can learn more actively, and find the interest of learning."Learning plan" in the implementation process encountered some obstacles, through the survey found that the plan’s implementation of current dilemma including:schools lack of strength;some teachers conflict the plan;students confuse the plan and some parents oppose it.The reasons for the dilemma of the "learning plan" are as follows:Schools’ importance and publicity efforts are not enough;Some teachers' cognition of "Learning plan" is relatively low;Students' age is low,their introverted personality and so on.To deal with the problem, schools should strengthen the degree of attention and publicity, teachers should improve their professional quality, take the initiative to change the role and so on.

    Key Words: "Learning plan"  implementation difficulties  measures

     目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一、“学讲计划”概述及相关研究综述 1

    (一)“学讲计划”概述 1

      1.教学设计 1

      2.教学环节 1

      3.教学行为:“五学”与“五步” 1

    (二)国内外相关研究现状 2

      1.国外相关研究现状 2

      2.国内相关研究现状 3

    二、“学讲计划”推行困境现状调查 3

    (一)调查设计 3

    (二)调查结果 3

      1.教师抵触 4

      2.学生困惑 4

      3.家长反对 6

    三、“学讲计划”推行困境的原因分析 6

    (一)学校层面 6

      1.重视程度不够 6

      2.宣传力度不够 6

    (二)教师层面 7

      1.教师对“学讲计划”的认知程度较低 7

      2.教师角色转变遇到困难 7


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