关键词: 商业银行 金融脱媒 金融中介 直接融资 间接融资 毕业论文外文摘要
Title Research on the Impact of Financial Disintermediation of Commercial banks
With the development of China's economic development and capital markets, commercial banks's status as a major financial intermediary is challenged by direct financing of the in the financial markets and the trend of financial disintermediation is becoming more and more obviously. The article start to the current situation and the reasons of financial disintermediation. Analysing challenges and opportunities which are brought by financial disintermediation and proving that financial disintermediation indeed has an impact on the commercial banks in China by an empirical analysis. On this basis, it is recommended that Chinese commercial banks ' business ideas must be updated to convert challenges into opportunities.Meanwhile, Chinese commercial banks should promote business model transformation and business innovation to maintain the original profits and find new profit point to address the financial disintermediation.
Key words: commercial bank,financial disintermediation, financial agent direct financing and indirect financing
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究思路和框架结构 1
1.3 研究方法 3
1.4 金融脱媒相关研究文献综述 3
2 相关理论概述 7
2.1 金融脱媒 7
2.2 商业银行主要业务 7
2.3 实证分析中涉及相关概念 7
2.4 资产证券化 7
3 我国金融脱媒现状、特点和原因 9
3.1 我国金融脱媒的现状 9
3.2 我国金融脱媒的特点 12
3.3 我国金融脱媒的原因 13
4 金融脱媒对我国商业银行的影响 15
4.1 金融脱媒对我国商业银行资产业务的影响 15
4.2 金融脱媒对我国商业银行负债业务的影响 15
4.3 金融脱媒对我国商业银行表外业务的影响 16
4.4 金融脱媒对我国商业银行风险管理的影响 16
5 金融脱媒对商业银行影响的实证分析 17
5.1 关于指标的选取 17
5.2 实证时间序列选取 18
5.3 实证过程分析 19
5.4 结论 23
6 我国商业银行应对金融脱媒的策略 24
6.1 解放思想,更新经营理念 24
6.2 减小金融脱媒对传统业务的冲击 24
6.3 拓展新的利润增长点 26