摘要:会议业作为会展产业的重要组成部分在过去的十年间获得了飞快发展,而作为政治文化中心的北京与经济金融中心上海成为这其中的代表,二者对我国会展经济总量的增长作出了巨大贡献。本文旨在研究北京与上海会议产业的发展情况,阐述了会议业发展带给两地及其周边地区的重要意义,运用问卷调查法和专家调查法对影响京沪会议业发展的利弊因素进行分析、比较、联系,得出各自不同的发展特点以及存在的问题缺陷。与此同时泰国会议发展的经验为例,为京沪会议业发展提出借鉴与参考,提出有利于京沪两地会议产业长足发展的解决方案。最后对我国会议产业的未来进行展望,提出政府应加大关注力度出台保护政策鼓励、支持和引导会议产业的发展。24115 毕业论文关键词:京沪会议业;比较研究;差异化发展
Comparative Research of Beijing And Shanghai Convention Industry Development
Abstract: As a vital part of MICE, the convention industry has been developing dramatically for the past 11 years in China. At the same time, Beijing and shanghai have become representatives since they made great contributions on the development of country's MICE industry economy. Therefore,this paper aims to make a research and study the convention industry on the development of Beijing and Shanghai,describing industry conferences which has brought important influence and the advantages to these two cities and their surrounding areas. Besides, through analyzing the related factors ,concluded that Beijing and Shanghai have different development characteristics and problems. What's more, effective suggestions have been made by comparing with Thailand. Finally, the article prospects for the future of Chinese conference industry, suggesting that government should put much more emphasis on the development of conference industry through encouraging and guiding
Keywords: Shanghai and Beijing convention industry;Comparative Study;Differentiation development
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 引言 1
2 会议相关理论概述 2
2.1 我国对“会议”基本含义的界定 2
2.2 ICCA国际会议标准 2
2.3 UIA国际会议标准 3
3 京沪会议业发展现状概述 4
3.1 北京会议业发展现状 4
3.2 上海会议业发展现状 7
4 京沪会议业发展内外部因素对比分析 11
4.1 京沪会议业外部因素对比 11
4.2 京沪会议业内部因素对比 13
5 泰国会议产业发展对京沪会议发展的借鉴 16
5.1 泰国会议产业发展特点 18
5.2对于京沪会议业的借鉴 19
6 京沪会议业的差异化发展 20
6.1 北京会议业差异化发展方向 20
6.2 上海会议业差异化发展方向 20
致谢 22
参考文献 23