关键词 物联网 上市公司 绩效评价 因子分析法 毕业论文外文摘要
Title Evaluation of the performance of listed companies in the Internet of things industry in China
Effective performance evaluation on the one hand can promote the comprehensive understanding of business operating results and financial conditions for the interest-related subjects, and also strengthen the management and all levels of government macro-control, providing a basis for developing a series of policies. On the other hand, it can help enterprises to establish internal incentive mechanisms and competition, to find the gap in the industry, and to correctly guide the behavior of enterprises. This article conducts a comprehensive assessment of selected 49 listed companies by the results of the indicators composite score of business performance , using factor analysis and SPSS16.0 software,on the basis of the references of research domestic and abroad. At the same time, the assessment of these 49 companies can be found on the financial website, and by making a comparison with this article, it can be proved that factor analysis is a good method to evaluate the performance of the enterprises. On this basis, this article puts forward some suggestions to promote the development of enterprises of the Internet of things in China.
Key words: The Internet of things; Listed companies; Performance evaluation; Factor analysis
目 次
1 引言 1
2 文献综述 1
2.1 国外研究综述 1
2.2 国内研究综述 3
2.3 现有研究的不足和改进 4
3 中国的物联网行业的现状 5
4 物联网上市公司绩效评价的方法和原理 7
4.1 企业绩效评价方法的选择 7
4.2 因子分析法概述 7
4.3 因子分析法的步骤 8
5 中国物联网上市公司绩效评价的实证研究 9
5.1 样本选择及指标选择 10
5.2 确定变量进行因子分析的适用度 11
5.3 因子提取的效果分析 11
5.4 根据各因子方差贡献率,提取主因子 12
5.5 碎石图 13
5.6 分析主因子 14
5.7 计算因子得分 15
5.8 对49家物联网上市公司进行排名 15
5.9 结论及分析 19
6 企业提高绩效水平的建议 21
6.1 扩大销售,同时严格控制成本 21
6.2 提高管理水平,重视资本管理 21
6.3 引进人才和先进技术 22
6.4 实施“走出去”战略 22
6.5 建立新评价体系 22
结 论 23
致 谢 24 参考文献 25
附表1 中国物联网行业上市公司财务指标(原始数据) 27