摘要:江苏动漫产业作为江苏文化产业的重要组成部分,在江苏推行文化强省的战略中扮演者重要角色,并在推动国民经济发展、传播传统文化,提升地方综合实力有着显著作用。江苏省大力发展动漫产业,依靠丰富的地域物质与文化资源,发展了具有地域文化特色的动漫产业。本文在对国内外动漫产业研究回顾的基础上,江苏省动漫产业进行深度探究:江苏动漫产业概况:产业发展情况,主要动漫类型,动漫基地简介;江苏地域文化类型及地域文化特色简述;江苏动漫产业地域文化特色解析:江苏省地域文化对动漫产业发展的作用,江苏特色动漫作品的地域文化特征;深化江苏省动漫产业地域文化特色发展的策略。32526 毕业论文关键词:江苏省;动漫产业;地域文化特色;发展策略
Abstract: As an part of the cultural industry in Jiangsu, Jiangsu animation industry plays an important role in Jiangsu Cosplay implementation strategy,promotes the development of the national economy and the dissemination of traditional culture, and has a significant role in promoting local comprehensive strength. Development of the animation industry in Jiangsu Province, relying on regional material and rich cultural resources, develops a geographical and cultural characteristics of the animation industry. Based on the domestic and foreign animation industry on the research review, the paper discusses the animation industry in Jiangsu province tothe depth: 1Jiangsu animation industry overview: industry development situation, the main types of animation, animation base introduction; Jiangsu regional culture and regional culture characteristics of the animation industry in Jiangsu; analysis of the geographical and cultural characteristics of regional culture in Jiangsu province to the development of animation industry, the characteristics of regional culture characteristics of Jiangsu animation works; deepen the animation industry development strategy of Jiangsu province's geographical and cultural characteristics.
绪论 1
1江苏省动漫产业发展状况 1
1.1动漫产业的发展情况 1
1.2江苏动漫的类型及特征 2
1.3国家级动漫基地发展及地域分布特征 2
2.江苏省地域文化特征及影响分析 3
2.1江苏地域文化类型及特点 3
2.2地域文化特色 4
3.江苏省动漫的地域文化特点 4
3.1地域文化对动漫产业的影响 5
3.1.1 创作灵感与故事设计5
3.1.2刻画人物与发生背景 5
3.1.3表达手法与背景音乐 5
3.2.1物质文化层次:对于江苏历史人物,文化景观的展现 6
3.2.2制度文化层次:对于江苏风土人情,传统习俗的传播 6
3.2.3精神文化层次:对于江苏价值观念,精神品行的阐释 7
4.深化江苏省动漫产业地域文化特色发展的策略 8
4.1动漫产业要突出江苏地域文化 8
4.2动漫创作要深挖江苏文化内涵 8
4.3动漫包装要强调产品的世界性 8