毕业论文关键词: 动漫产业  中国元素  创意  动画制作  营销策略   《秦时明月》
Discussion on the problems of the future development of animation industry in China
Taking "Qin Shi Ming Yue" as an example
Abstract :So far, animation industry in our country has been developping less advanced, which is at a disadvantage in the competition of global animation industry. Analysis of the problems in the development of Chinese animation industry mainly lies in the following points: not outstanding or novel enough in the topic and material selection, lacking of advanced technology, insufficient efforts in propaganda and marketing, deficiency of professionals, and being short of originality(the core element of animation industry). Being in such a dilemma, there also exists successful cases------ the sudden risal of Qin's Moon. Qin's Moon has carried on positive exploration as well as bold attemption and innovation in many aspects, such as the applicance of theme and originality with Chinese elements, the adoption of Full three-dimensional CG Technology, the pursuit of refinement on the image quality and effect, creativity in broadcast channel and marketing mode, and the gathering of animation talents. The success of this film indicates that Chinese animation industry has been aware of the problems in the development and assumes a positive attitude towards these problems, making efforts to make progress. With regard to the development of Chinese animation industry in the future, this thesis proposes some suggestions: being accurate and original in the topic and theme, being creative in marketing strategy and making more efforts in propaganda, using advanced technology to upgrade the works, and enhancing the training of professionals. Only in these ways can Chinese animation industry devolop and thrive in a benign way, and thus remain invincible in the future competition.
Key words: animation industry, Chinese elements, originality, animation production, marketing strategy, Qin's Moon
绪论    1
(一) 研究的背景、目的与意义     1
(二) 研究内容     2
(三) 研究方法     3
(四) 文献综述     4
一、我国动漫产业的发展概况     5
(一) 我国动漫产业的发展现状     5
(二) 我国动漫产业的发展趋势     6
(三) 中日动漫产业简略比较     7
二、我国动漫产业发展中存在的问题     9
(一) 国产动漫产业的主题选材不够突出    9
(二)国产动漫的专业技术不到位     9















