摘 要:改革开放政策使中国经济实现高速增长,取得了瞩目的成绩,然而在取得奇迹般成功的同时,中国的地区之间的收入差距也在急剧扩大。那我国对外贸易是否影响了地区收入差距?对外贸易对地区收入差距的影响途径是什么?通过计量经济学模型进行实证研究,利用协整分析可以得到对外贸易与地区收入差距之间具有关联性;利用格兰杰因果检验,可以得到对外贸易促进收入差距扩大的结论;利用回归分析可以得到对外贸易影响收入差距的程度。最后根据结论给出政策建议。36154 毕业论文关键词:对外贸易;地区收入差距;协整分析
The impact of China's foreign trade to regional income gap
Abstract: China saw high economic growth because of the reform and open policy, and the accomplishment attracts everyone's attention. However, while obtaining a miraculous success, the income gap between Chinese areas are also expanding rapidly. In that way, does China's foreign trade affect the regional income gap? What is the way of the foreign trade to the regional income gap? Through the econometrics model and carry on the positive research, we can get the conclusion that foreign trade can promote the income gap through the Grainger causality test, also can get influencing degree through regression analysis. Finally, some policy advice to the conclusions will be given.
Key Words: Foreign Trade; Regional Income Gap; Co-integration Analysis
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