摘 要:随着中国加入WTO ,品牌全球化已成为中国彩电业在经济全球化条件下的必然选择。本文在借鉴品牌全球化相关理论的基础上,分析了我国彩电业品牌全球化的现状,并找出了我国彩电业品牌全球化过程中存在的问题,进而针对这些问题从市场占有率、技术创新、国际间贸易合作、海外并购、市场供求、牌形象代言人等优尔个方面提出了我国彩电业品牌全球化的政策建议。36656 毕业论文关键词:彩电业;品牌全球化;技术创新;
The Analysis of The Brand Globalization of Chinese TV Industry
Abstract:With China entering WTO, the brand globalization has become the inevitable choice of the Chinese color TV industry under the condition of economic globalization.The paper, global brand on the basis of relevant theories, analyzes the current situation of Chinese color TV industry, global brand and find the process of globalization, Chinese color TV industry brand existing problems, and then solve these problems from the market share, technological innovation six aspects of international trade cooperation, overseas mergers and acquisitions, market supply and demand, brand spokesperson and put forward policy recommendations Chinese color TV industry in brand globalization.
Key words:Color TV Industry; Brand internationalization; Technological innovation;
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