摘 要:伴随着全球手机市场的迅速发展、用户需求的日益增加,以及市场竞争的日趋激烈,智能手机市场的国际竞争格局已经发生了极大的变化。随着经济全球化的进一步发展,国外手机品牌逐渐进入中国市场并引发激烈竞争,我国智能手机厂商必须加大研发力度,创新功能设计,培育品牌形象,深耕手机品牌经营,强化质量管理,改进性能可靠性和硬件配置,强化价值优势,提制文护手机性价比,扩大国产手机市场占有率。36658 毕业论文关键词:智能手机;竞争格局;应对策略;市场占有率
The International Competition Situation of The Smartphone Market and The Coping Strategies of Chinese Mobilephone Manufacturers
Abstract: With the rapid development of the mobile phone market and the expansion of the consumer demand ,as well as the increasingly fierce competition ,the development of the mobile phone market situation has taken place great changes.Due to the Further Development of Globle,foreign mobile phone brands entering the Chinese market gradually and fierce competition,the domestic smartphone manufacturer must increase research and development,innovate the functional design,cultivation brand image ,operate mobile phone brand deeply and strengthen quality management,improve the performance reliability and hardware configuration,strengthen the value advantage,improve maintenance phone cost-efficiency and expand occupancy of domestic mobile phone.
Key words: State-owned enterprises; Overseas investment; Investment of aluminum corporation;Occupancy of domestic
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、全球智能手机行业的发展状况 2
(一)智能手机概述 2
(二)智能手机的发展历程回顾 2
(三)智能手机市场发展的现状 3
二、智能手机市场的国际竞争格局 4
(一)智能手机的市场占有率分析 4
(二)智能手机的营销策略分析 5
(三)智能手机的价格竞争策略分析 6
(四)当前国际竞争格局的形成因素分析 7
三、我国智能手机行业的发展状况 8
(一)我国智能手机市场的发展历程 8
(二)我国智能手机市场的现状 9
(三)国内智能手机厂商存在的问题 10
四、提高我国智能手机厂商国际竞争力的建议 11
(一)加大研发力度,创新功能设计 11
(二)培育品牌形象,深耕手机品牌经营 12
(三)强化质量管理,改进性能可靠性和硬件配置 13
(四)完善营销策略,扩大国产手机市场占有率 14
参考文献 16
致谢 17