毕业论文关键词 国际金融危机 金融危机传导理论 传导机制 金融危机模型
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Research on the Transmission Mechanism of
International Financial Crisis
In recent years, with the deepening global persification, the financial crisis spread faster accompany with wider dissemination, more transfer mode and greater dangers. Despite the complex process of generation and conduction of the financial crisis, the more understanding of their transmission mechanism, the more able to make a relatively reasonable coping strategies.
Currently, the theoretical circles in the transmission mechanism of the international financial crisis and other related aspects have had great result, but is still in the process of continuous development and improvement. Through this essay, firstly, demonstrate the summary and investigation of the Conduction causes. Secondly, the financial crisis, namely the four conduction effect transfer theory were to collate and summarize. Then, analyzed the international financial crisis conduction process from the trade, financial, psychological three different channels. Followed with the analysis of the development of three generations of the financial crisis. And finally, made a number of international financial crisis conduction prevention countermeasures and suggestions combined with China’s actual situation.
Keywords The international financial crisis
Financial crisis conduction theory
Transmission mechanism
The Financial Crises model
目 次
1 引言 1
2 金融危机传导的原因 1
2.1 区域经济发展的相似性 1
2.2 货币一体化安排 2
2.3 过分依赖国际资本 2
3 金融危机传导机制理论 2
3.1 季风效应(Monsoonal Effect) 2
3.2 溢出效应(Spillovers) 2
3.3 净传染效应(Pure Contagion) 3
3.4 羊群效应(Herd Behavior) 3
4 国际金融危机的传导分析 3
4.1 金融危机在美国国内传导分析 3
4.2 金融危机的国际传导分析 4
5 国际金融危机的理论综述 6
5.1 第一代金融危机模型