摘要:纵观改革开放以来,我国的国际贸易增长额快速增加,对外贸易增进状况是从量还是从质上都有很大的提高。而且此时,遍布全球的贸易中,产品拥有极高的技术含量,知识产品的保护受到了各国的重视。 然而,列国的贸易产品仍然各不相同,而且各国科技程度凹凸不平,所以各国对知识产权保护所制定的一系列标准都有很大的差异。由于地域性的限制,许多知识产权纠纷仍然得不到公平的解决。特别是中国入世之后,很多国企也面临了许多发达国家所存在的问题。其中相关知识产权的贸易诉讼占了很大份额。 因此,本文主要通过对世界各国社会具有明显影响力的国际条款和中国主要贸易伙伴相关知产保护的法制作比较,并搭配对近年来与中国相关的知产保护突出案例进行研究,进而得出我国目前在国际商业中最需要在知产保护上侧重的地方,并根据我国的实际状况提出应有的建议。81852
Study on the international institutional gap of intellectual property rights trade in Shanghai
Abstract:Recent ten years saw a huge development of China’s international trade since China joined WTO。 It brings both numbers of opportunities and challenges to China as well as China’s firms。 While we benefits from trading with foreign countries, it also need us to notice more about the rules of international market, such as intellectual property protection。 Every country has different criterion, legal system about IP protection due to its own national conditions and scientific and technological level。 So it’s hard to search for a very fair solution of IP disputes between different countries as they have different regulations。 China continually faces lots of IP disputes after its entrance into WTO, which forces us to pay more attention on IP protection。 Though growing numbers of international convention and treaty are promulgated to solve international IP disputes, the situation hasn’t change much。 So in order to guide China’s firms about how to handle such issues, this paper will systematically state the regulation differences between IP law of some main countries and some important international conventions。 The purpose of this paper is to find out some best solutions of international IP disputes for our firms with the analysis of various typical cases。
Keywords:Intellectual property, International convention, National laws
目 录
一、引言 1
二、知识产权贸易 1 (一)知识产权含义 2 (二)知识产权分类 2
1、专利 2
2、著作权 2
3、商标 2
(三)知识产权制度 3
1、知识产权制度的定义 3(四)知识产权贸易 3
1、知识产权贸易含义 3
2、知识产权贸易特征 4
三、知识产权贸易发展现状 4 (一)世界知识产权贸易现状4
1、知识产权贸易越来越重要 4
2、知识产权贸易成为企业的核心业务 4
3、知识产权贸易的发展不平衡 4
(二)上海技术贸易概况 5
四、知识产权贸易的国际制度 6 (一)上海知识产权贸易制度 2
(二)美国硅谷知识产权贸易制度 2
2、积极发起缔结TRIPS 7
2、确定重点国家 8