摘 要:近年来,河南省农产品出口获得了较快的增长,农产品出口成为河南农业发展的重要推动力。研究河南农产品出口的机遇与挑战、优势与不足,对于进一步促进河南农产品出口,推动河南农业发展有着积极的现实意义。本文在结合河南农产品出口现状的基础上,应用SWOT方法分析了河南农产品出口的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,进而从政策、人才、品牌、科技、质量等方面提出对策建议,以促进河南农产品出口贸易的发展。82193
Analysis of Henan Agricultural Products Export Trade Based on SWOT
Abstract: In recent years, exports of agricultural products in Henan Province has made a rapid growth in 2015, compared to 2002, it increased by 7 times and has become an important driving force for the development of agricultural products。 This research on the advantages and weakness in exports of agricultural products in Henan Province and the ensuing opportunities and challenges for further promotion is feasible, which has a very positive and practical significance to foster the agricultural development and facilitate agricultural exports the in Henan Province。 This paper, based on the status quo of Henan agricultural exports and focused on the SWOT analysis evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Henan agricultural exports, and then proposed solutions from aspects of polices, the relavant talents, brand-efficiency, agricultural science and technology support and its safety and quality to promote the development of export trade of agricultural products in Henan Province。
Key words: Henan Agricultural Products; Export Trade; SWOT
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract。 1
一、河南农产品出口现状 2
(一)农产品出口规模逐年加大 2
(二)出口品种更加丰富 2
(三)出口市场呈现多元化趋势 3
二、河南农产品出口的SWOT分析 4
(一)优势 4
(二)劣势 5
(三)机会 7
(四)威胁 8
三、促进河南农产品出口的对策 9
(一)加大龙头企业扶持力度 9
(二)加强外贸人才培养 10
(三)培育出口农产品自主品牌体系 10
(四)增强出口农产品科技支撑力度 11
(五)加强出口农产品质量安全建设 12
参考文献 13
致谢 15