摘要:随着计算机网络技术的飞速发展,尤其是互联网的应用变得越来越广泛,在带来了前所未有的海量信息的同时,网络的开放性和自由性也产生了私有信息和数据被破坏或侵犯的可能性,网络信息的安全性变得日益重要起来,已被信息社会的各个领域所重视。在网络高速发展的时代,网络对企业的发展已成为了必不可少。本文简要地讨论了企业网络规划设计中涉及到的网络技术、规划设计方法、网络性能及应用分析等问题,为企业网络的规划、设计和升级改造等方面在技术及应用上提供参考,以使在建或规划中的校园网络具备较高的整体性能。通过对园区网络的分析,从性能和价值上满足园区网络的需求,然后对企业园区网络进行划分VLAN、设置管理域等配置, 不断地优化企业的网络,从而达到企业安全、快速访问网络资源的目的。23272 毕业论文关键字:交换机,路由器,防火墙,VLAN,安全
The enterprise campus network design and implementation
Abstract: With the rapid development of computer network technology, especially the application of the Internet is becoming more and more widely, in has brought the unprecedented huge amounts of information at the same time, the network of openness and freedom also had private information and data are destroyed or infringe upon the possibility of network information security is becoming increasingly important, has been paid great attention in the areas of information society. In the network era of rapid development, the network to the development of enterprises has become the essential. There are something been discussed briefly in the enterprise network designing, relating to the network technology, the way of designing procedures, the network function and applying analysis and so on, is that the network plan of enterprise, which provide a reference on the technology and application , to make it have higher function in building or planning campus network. Through to analyzing to the network, in order to satisfy the requirement of the area network from the value and performance, then carriry on to configure the enterprise area network including piding VLAN, establishing management territory and so on, optimizing the enterprise the network unceasingly, thus make the enterprise access network resources speedily and safely.
Key words: switch , router , firewall , VLAN , security
摘要: i
Abstract: i
目录 ii
1绪论 1
1.1 选题目的及意义 1
1.2 主要内容 1
1.3 论文结构 1
2 企业园区网概述 3
2.1 企业园区网含义 3
2.2 企业园区网特点 3
2.3 企业园区网发展趋势 3
3方案设计 4
3.1 企业需求分析 4
3.2 企业网络总体要求 4
3.3 企业网络模型设计 5
3.3.1 核心层(Core Layer) 5
3.3.2 汇聚层(Distribution Layer) 6
3.3.3 接入层(Access Layer) 6
3.4 企业网络模型选择 6
3.5 企业园区网络拓扑图 7
3.6 IP地址规划及VLAN划分 7
3.6.1 IP地址规划 7
3.6.2 VLAN规划 9
3.7 网络可靠性设计 10
3.7.1 设备和链路冗余 10
3.7.2 HSRP设计 10
3.8 交换部分设计 11
3.8.1 交换部分总体设计 11
3.8.2 VTP设计 12
3.8.3 Ethernet Channel 设计 13