本软件是以Win7为平台,Microsoft Visual Studio 2010和SQL2008为软件开发工具编写而成的。本软件的通用性比较好,可以在很多的操作平台上都可以进行使用。 毕业论文关键词:算法设计与应用;题库;管理系统
The question bank management of "algorithm"
Abstract: The course of algorithm is one of the professional courses for college students of computer specialty in our college.In order to meet the curriculum construction, we should develop the question bank management system.
The reason Why we need to develop the test bank management system is to manage conveniently ,select tests and reduce the burden on teachers.It has great application value in the school.It not only has the necessary functions such as editing,generating and maintaining the tests but also has the password protection mechanism of the user login,test query,test paper query,user management ,password modification and other function.It’s confidential,simple operation,easy to use,randomly selected questions.At the same time of the software development, I master the basic knowledge of software development and learn the methods to solve the problems.
This software is based on the platform of Win7 and the software development tools of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and SQL2008 to compile.The generality of this software is very good,which can be used on most operating platform.
Keywords: Algorithm design and application;question bank;management system
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题开发背景 1
1.2 课题开发意义及目的 1
1.3 国内的相关研究 2
1.4 开发工具 3
1.4.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 3
1.4.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 3
1.5 可行性分析 3
1.5.1 经济可行性 3
1.5.2 技术可行性 4
1.5.3 操作可行性 4
2 总体设计 5
2.1 需求分析 5
2.2 概要设计 6
2.2.1 E-R图 6
2.2.2 转换规则 7
2.2.3 关系模式 7
2.3 数据库设计 8
2.3.1 建立题库的原则 8
2.3.2 系统数据表 9
3 详细设计与实现 11
3.1 功能模块划分 11
3.1.1 试题管理 11
3.1.2 试卷管理 11
3.1.3 试题分析 11
3.1.4 用户登入 11
3.1.5 测试管理 12
3.2 系统流程图 12
3.3 用户登录的设计与实现 12
3.4 主界面的设计与实现 13
3.5 试题管理模块的设计与实现 13
3.5.1 试题浏览 14