摘要:在如今,信息化与数字化已经深入到人类社会的每一个角落,包括了衣、食、住、行等各个方面。而在“行”之中,车联网作为改善现代城市交通状况的重要手段,随着它的发展,为我们提供了越来越多的便利。本文对车联网技术做出简单介绍,对其结构进行了详细分析,并提出了一个基础车域网的架构方案。搭建Veins平台,模拟南京理工大学校内路网,并进行交通仿真实验。处理得到的数据,并对其透露出的信息进行分析与阐述。23397 毕业论文关键字:车联网;车域网;Veins;SUMO仿真
Title vehicle area netwk simulation based on Veins Platfm
Today, construction of information and digitization has deeply reached into every corner of human society, including food、clothing、 housing, transportation, etc. In the "transportation", Internet of Vehicles is one of the important ways to improve the modern urban traffic. With the development of it, it provides us with more and more convenience. In this paper, we make an introduction of the Internet Of Vehicles's technology and system , put forward an "Internet of Vehicles" architecture scheme. Then , we construct the Veins platform and build the road network of Nanjing University of Science and Technology. We run the experiment on it and process the data, analyze its revealed information within this paper.
Keyword: Internet of Vehicles; Internet of route; Veins; SUMO Simulation
1 引言 3
1.1 课题背景 3
1.2、本文的目的与任务 5
1.3 论文结构 5
2 车联网系统分析与基础车域网构建 5
2.1 车联网概念 5
2.2 车联网体系结构 6
2.3车联网通信架构 8
2.3.1 车域网 8
2.3.2 车载自组网 9
2.4 车域网基础架构设想 9
2.5 本章总结 11
3 仿真环境搭建 11
3.1 需求及相关软件介绍 11
3.2 搭建仿真环境 14
3.3 本章总结 15
4 路网仿真实验 16
4.1 njust.nei,xml文件编写 16
4.2 njust.rou.xml文件生成器 22
4.3 本章总结 25
5 “路口堵车”实验 25
5.1 实验及分析 25
5.2 本章总结 29
结论 30
致谢 31
参考文献 31