关键词 城市轨道交通, 案例推理, 案例检索, 相似度, 最近邻法 毕业论文外文摘要
Title Similarity Analysis on the Energy Case Retrieval of the Urban Rail Transit System
Characterized by high volume traffic, high speed, using less and low pollution, urban rail transit plays a key role in public transportation system and the national strategy in recent years. Studying on the energy saving system of urban rail transit can make important contributions to the sustainable development of rail transit.
In this paper, on the basis of case-based reasoning system, organizing the relevant theory knowledge of CBR and focusing on the similarity analysis. Through the achievements of predecessors, concluding the attributions of urban rail transit energy case. And focusing on the similarity analysis of case retrieval. Respectively, using the nearest neighbor method and improved nearest neighbor method to calculate the similarity of case resource and input case, comparing and evaluating the characteristics of the two methods.
Keywords Urban Rail Transit Case-based Reasoning Case Retrieval Similarity the Nearest Neighbor
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1轨道交通研究现状 2
1.2.2 案例推理研究现状 3
1.2.3相似度研究现状 5
1.2.4 研究中存在的问题及研究趋势 7
1.3本文的内容和结构 7
2 基本理论概述 9
2.1案例推理的基本理论 9
2.2 层次分析法的基本理论 10
2.3相似度的基本理论 13
2.3.1 空间距离 13
2.3.2 相似度 14
2.4 轨道交通能耗案例检索系统 16
2.4.1 轨道交通能耗案例检索过程图 16
2.4.2 轨道交通能耗系统特点 17
3案例表示 17
3.1 案例属性结构 17
3.1.1 案例属性分析 17
3.1.2 案例属性结构 19
3.2 案例属性权重 21
4 案例相似度分析 23
4.1 相似度算法 23
4.1.1最近邻法 23
4.1.2 改进的最近邻法 24
4.2 案例相似度计算 25
4.2.1最近邻算法 26
4.2.2改进的最近邻算法 31
4.3结果与讨论 35
5 总结与展望 36
致谢 37
参考文献 37