摘 要:在现代化的教育技术模式下,计算机已经广泛应用于学校的教育管理。从学校的实际需求出发,采用当前较为流行的ASP.NET动态网页开发技术,基于Windows XP Professional操作系统和SQL Server 2005数据库,设计并实现了一个功能比较简单的小型试题库管理系统。通过对系统进行一系列的需求分析、设计、编码、等工作,使系统实现了用户管理、个人资料管理、试题管理、试卷管理。适用于普通学校的试题管理,能较好地解决试题管理混乱的状况。24905 毕业论文关键词:试题库;试卷生成;ASP.NET
General Examination Paper Automatic Production System
Abstract: Under the model of modern education, computer has become a common tool in school management which brings to teaching methods great evolution. Adopt ASP dynamic webpage, has designed a small-scale examination paper automatic production system with simply function. The system is based on the operation system of Windows XP Professional, the database of SQL Server 2005. Through a series of preparation such as requirement canalization, design, coding, these functions of this software are as follows: manual create paper; auto create paper; elect from existential papers;user manage.The suitable for the examination paper automatic production system of the ordinary school , which can solve the state of the disordered examination paper management well.
Keyword: Exam pool;Create paper;ASP.NET
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