摘要:我们处于一个信息高速发展的时代,所有的事物都向着网络化发展。为了使得传统的公共交通能够跟上时代的脚步,也为了能够更加方便人们的生活,汽车售票软件系统是必不可少的。如同火车票售票系统,机票售票系统一样,能够在这个追求效率的时代仍有一些竞争力,汽车售票软件由此诞生。本次设计采用Java高级语言进行开发,结合数据库SQL SERVER 2008来实现汽车售票软件的功能。界面设计采用Eclipse作为前台应用开发工具,后台使用SQL SERVER 2008建立数据库。本系统共有6个模块,分别是登录模块,查询模块,订票功能模块,车次管理模块,车票管理模块和数据库连接模块。用户通过登录验证可以实现查询路线,购买车票以及退票等功能。而管理员通过密码登录验证可以实现修改车次信息,查询用户信息和查看订票等功能。本次设计最主要的是Eclipse和数据库的连接。35338 毕业论文关键词:汽车售票;Eclipse;数据库SQL SERVER 2008;订票
The Design of Auto Ticketing System
Abstract:We are in an information era of rapid development, and all things towards network development. In order to make the traditional public transport can keep up with the pace of the time and convenient people’s life. Auto ticketing system software is necessary. Auto ticketing system software which likes the train ticket system and the plane ticket system arises at the historic moment. And there are some competitiveness in the rapid era. This design written with Java which is a high level language and combined with SQL SERVER 2008 database to realize the auto ticketing software function. Interface design using Eclipse as the foreground application development tools. Using SQL SERVER 2008 to establish database as the backstage. This system consists of six modules, respectively is the landing module, query module ,booking function module, vehicle management module, ticket management module and database connection module. The user land and query the line, buy tickets refund and other functions. Administrator loads and modifies the train information ,queries the users information and views the booking and other functions. The main of the design is the connection between Eclipse and SQL SERVER 2008 database.
Key Words: auto ticketing; Eclipse; SQL SERVER 2008 database;ticketing
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1开发背景及目的 1
1.2系统设计目标 1
1.3开发工具 1
1.3.1 java 1
1.3.2系统开发平台:Eclipse 2
1.3.3数据库管理系统软件: SQL SERVER 2008 2
2 可行性分析 3
2.1技术可行性 3
2.2经济可行性 3
2.3操作可行性 3
3 系统分析 4
3.1需求分析 4
3.2功能分析 4
3.3业务流程图 5
3.4数据流分析 6
3.5数据字典 7
4 系统设计 9
4.1绘制用例图设计系统功能 9
4.2系统流程图 10
4.3各个子模块描述 11
4.4系统的开发环境 12
5 数据库分析与设计 12
5.1数据库的基本介绍 12
5.2数据库分析 13
5.3数据库概念结构设计 13
5.4数据库逻辑设计 15
5.5数据库的实施 17