摘 要:学生评教是高校进行教学管理的重要步骤。本文针对高校学生评教,使用PHP+MySQL技术设计评教系统。该系统主要由两部分组成:管理员模块、学生模块。其中管理员模块的主要功能是增删信息,用户管理(学生管理),评教指标管理等功能。学生模块的主要功能是在指定时间内使用查询教师信息,对任课教师的评估功能。该系统的设计能及时反映教学,有利于教学质量的提高。36708 毕业论文关键字:学生评教系统;PHP;高校教学质量;教师水平
Design And Implementation of A Students Evaluation Of Teaching System Based on PHP
Abstract: It is a critical step of student evaluation of teaching in the teaching management in colleges and universities. Based on the tools of MySQL written in PHP, this paper designs the student evaluation of teaching management system, which mainly consists of two main modules,the administrator management module and the student management module. The function of the administrator management module is that to add and delete information, the management of the users i.e. students, and the management of criterias of student evaluation of teaching .The function of the student management module is that to search the information of teachers and the evaluation of teachers within a specified time .This system can reflect the teaching timely and to improve the quality of teaching.
Key Words: Student evaluation system; PHP; Teaching quality ; Teachers' level
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