摘 要:随着人们物质文化生活水平的提高,旅游成了人们精神生活的一个重要组成部分。传统的宣传方式是通过纸质宣传页对外宣传,污染环境,耗费大量物力。设计制作的登封地方特色旅游景点宣传片主要使用了Photoshop ,Flash,Audition等多媒体软件,对视频素材进行处理,最终在After Effects制作合成,完成设计。通过宣传片进行宣传,形式新颖,更加吸引眼球。该设计充分展示了当地的旅游特色,更具有视觉冲击力,符合大众的审美要求。37619 毕业论文关键词:地方特色;旅游宣传片;After Effects
The Implementation of The Local Tourist Attractions Based on AE
Abstract: With the improvement of people's living standard, tourism has become an important part of the people's spiritual life. The traditional way of publicity is unsustainable, paper publicity page be used in this way, and it pollutes the environment, consumes a lot of resources.This design used Photoshop, Flash, Audition and other multimedia software to design the work that shows tourist attractions of characteristics of Dengfeng. Used such multimedia software to deal with a set of fodder and used AE to compose finally. Video propaganda is a form that people never knew before and more eye-catching.The design fully displays the local tourism features, has more visual impact, consistents with the public aesthetic requirements.
Key Words: Local Characteristics; Tourism; After Effects
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