摘要:互联网在中国发展十余年, 网民总数过亿, 网站总数逾70万家, 上网计算机总数超过5000万台。至今为止, 中国的网民数量已达到世界第二位。如今, 互联网已广泛地影响着中国网络用户的生活。今天, 每13个中国人就有一个与它亲密接触, 网络不再仅仅是一种工具, 它正在成为影响我们的生活中的重要砝码, 影响着我们的生活、事业、爱情的各个方面。
各种网络服务系统, 更是深刻的影响了人们的联系方式, 使得人们可以在远隔千里之遥随时通讯。过去的种种陈旧的联系方式, 已经不能满足现代生活的需要, 校友网站作为一种方便同学之间联系的实用系统便应运而生。众多高校也都已经拥有了校友网站, 然而多数高校仅仅停留在校友网站有关的信息发布上。通过网络联系同学在于要建立一个通畅的同学沟通平台, 这样就可以方便地实现同学与母校、同学与同学之间的沟通, 这也是校友网站提供的服务中的一个最重要内容。39295
这次课题开发的校友网站系统是参考现在各大网站的校友网站优点的基础上, 结合自己所学的网络知识和管理信息系统知识, 做出的一个简化版的系统, 更具有通用性。它的开发主要内容是后台数据库的建立与文护还有前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求数据的一致性、完整性和安全性。而对于后者则需要应用程序功能完善、便于使用等特点。我们利用php为开发工具, 可以利用其动态性的特点来提高交互性, 为校友网站的开发带来了很大的方便。
毕业论文关键词:    校友网站;数据库;PHP
 Abstract: It has been more than 10 years after Internet appeared in China, and the total number of Internet users is more than 100 millions. There are more than 700,000 websites and more than 50 million computers which have connected to Internet now. At present, the number of Chinese Internet users is only less than the United States, ranking second in the world. Today, the Internet has such a broad impact on the lives of Chinese people. Today, one in every 13 Chinese people have an intimate contact with it, and the network is no longer just a tool, so it is playing an important part in our life, career, love and so on.
A variety of network service systems also play a profound impact on the way of people's contacting, so people can communicate each other any time who are even a thousand miles away. The old method is outdated, because it has been unable to meet the needs of modern life, alumni appears as a convenient link between the students. Many colleges and universities have already have alumni, but most of those only stay the level of releasing the information. A smooth communication platform for the students is the key to contacting each other via the Internet, and then it can communicate with each other easily, so it became the important content in exploring.
This alumni system in the subject has integrated the major advantages of some noble sites. Meanwhile, it is a simple version on the basis of our knowledge of the network and management information systems which we have learned. The work of the exploring includes two parts, the establishment of database in the back and the exploring of application program in the front. The establishment of database demands data consistency, integrity and security.  The exploring of application program requests applications functions fully and easy to use. We use php as the exploring   tool, and then we can use of the interactive features to improve its dynamic nature, which brings us enough convenience in the exploring of the system.
Keywords:    Alumni; SQL;PHP
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    iii
1 绪论    1
1.1 课题的目的和意义    1
















