摘 要进入 21 世纪以来, 水面高速无人艇以其独特的功能特点受到各国的重视与发展,这就使得未来的海上作战受到了信息化的挑战。 对水面无人艇的研究集中在模块化功能研究和智能化研究,在研究的艇型方面仍大多采用传统的艇型设计方法,即通过选型论证,经过反复的计算、修改而实现,不但设计周期长,而且依赖经验判断。而翼滑艇跟其他高速舰艇相比,具有能够在较为恶劣的海情下航行,船身的颠簸较少,高速航行时产生的兴波较少等优点。 本文以一艘 5.8m 具有防飞溅条的翼滑艇为母型船,针对无人艇应用,设计制作了一艘 1.5 米的具有防飞溅条与水翼的无人艇模型,并对该模型船进行了摇荡运动试验, 最后基于粒子群算法等辨识优化方法对其试验结果进行分析研究,主要进行的工作如下:1. 选取一种具有防飞溅条和水翼的滑行艇作为研究对象,根据防飞溅条尺寸、水翼尺寸、 水翼安装位置以及水翼攻角等艇型参数建立几何模型, 并使用FINE/Marine软件对设计的水翼单独进行数值模拟,结果表明,该型水翼可以提供 40%-50%的升力。2. 完成该无人翼滑艇艇型设计制作与安装,包括无人艇艇型设计制作与安装,防飞溅条设计制作与安装,水翼(不同安装位置,不同攻角)的设计制作与安装。3. 通过 MTi集成 GPS信号的六自由度传感器对该艇进行有无水翼, 不同角度不同吃水状态下的横摇、纵摇自由衰减运动试验。通过激光测距仪对该艇进行了垂荡自由衰减试验。4. 通过无人艇静水横摇,纵摇以及垂荡衰减试验,获得了该艇角度、角速度、距离等一系列试验数据,根据无人艇的摇荡运动特性,建立了相应的摇荡运动数学模型,并基于成长机制遗传算法和粒子群优化算法,用 C#语言编写辨识软件,通过使用设计完成的优化软件,进行优化计算,并通过设计不同优化方案来研究不同算法的优劣性。通过大量的计算,研究表明,成长机制遗传算法优于粒子群算法,且最终得到适合于该艇的最佳的辨识优化方法。试验验证了该无人翼滑艇模型船耐波性能优良, 也为无人翼滑艇研究提供了一套基于系统辨识的优化方法,为水面高速无人艇初步设计提供了基础平台。62272
Abstract In twenty-first Century, USV(Unmanned Surface Vehicle) has got worldwideattention on the progress of development because its particular performance characteristics,which makes the future naval warfare by the challenge of information. But the study ofUSV focused on modular function and intelligent study in aspect of vehicle type design,and methods are mostly still using traditional vehicle type design method. The designfinished through repeated selection, calculation and modification. Not only the designcycle is long, but also the design often can not get the real optimal solution because itsreliance on experience judgment. In this paper, the author will discuss the optimizationdesign research of preliminary study on the swaying motion based on 5.8 mgliding-hydrofoil craft as the foundation. It will contain several parts in the following:1.Selecting a planing boat equipped with splash proof strip and hydrofoil as a researchobject. According to the anti splash proof size, size of hydrofoil, hydrofoil installationposition and the hydrofoil angle of attack and boat type parameters set up geometricmodel.Then using the software of FINE/Marine on the design of hydrofoil separatenumerical simulation.The result shows that the hydrofoil can provide 40% - 50% of lift.2.Completing the design, then installing the submarine and anti splash type on ahydrofoil hydrofoil craft.3.Integrating GPS signal of the boat with different hydrofoil by six degree of freedomsensor MTi on the same draft condition to conduct the rolling and pitching free attenuationmotion test. The free swaying test was carried out on the submarine by means of laserrange finder.4. Getting the boat angle, angular velocity, distance and so on a series of test data bythe experiment of the rolling ,pitching and heaving of the USV. Setting up correspondingmathematical model of swaying motion by the characteristic of the swaying motion ofgliding-hydrofoil craft with splash proof. Based on the GA and PSO algorithm, using C# toestablish identification software. By using the optimization software and differentoptimization schemes are designed to study the advantages and disadvantages of differentalgorithms. Through a large number of calculations, the research shows that the GA algorithm is better than the PSO algorithm, and finally get the best identification andoptimization method for the boat.The test verifying the unmanned wing slide boat model has a excellent seakeepingperformance. Also it provides a set of optimization method based on system identificationfor the wing unmanned sliding boat.In addition it provides a basic platform for high-speedunmanned surface vessel preliminary design.
上一篇:maxsurf 风帆助推船概念设计及模型制作
















