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    毕 业 论 文(设 计)开 题 报 告
    1)    基本思路
    This thesis will briefly explain the definition, main sources, and classifications of China-featured Neologism, analyzes its current achievements and problems. This thesis also talks about the influence of cultural differences between Chinese and English on the Translation of China-featured Neologism. Finally, this paper will discuss the translation skills of China-featured Neologism by the angles of literal translation, literal translation with explanation, free translation, and transliteration.

    0.1    Significance of Studying Neologism Translation
    0.2    Layout of the thesis
    Charpter1:A General Survey on Neologism
    1.1    Definition of Neologism
    1.2    Causes of Neologism
    1.3    Current Situation of Neologism
    1.4    Main Sources of China-featured Neologism
    1.5    Tendency of the Development of China-featured Neologism
    Charpter2: China-featured Neologism
    2.1 Definition of China-featured Neologism
    2.2 Classification of China-featured Neologism
    2.3 Necessity of Translating China-featured Neologism
    2.4 Current Research Situation of Translation for China-featured Neologism
    2.5 Problems in Translating of China-featured Neologism
    Charpter3: The influence of Cultural Differences between Chinese and English on the Translation of China-featured Neologism.
    Charpter4: Strategies of Translating China-featured Neologism
    4.1 Literal Translation
    4.2 Literal Translation with Explanation
    4.3 Free Translation
    4.4 Transliteration
    4.5 Naturalization
    2)    研究方法和手段
    The primaries are to refer to relevant information, search the internet to get some resources and information and borrow books from library. Also I will communicate with my tutor and classmates. I will discuss the translation skills by comparing different kinds of China-featured Neologisms.
     毕 业 论 文(设 计)开 题 报 告
    3. 进度安排
    1. 选题和开题报告:10 — 11-09
    2. 论文一稿:11 -12 — 12-19;
    3. 论文二稿:12-20 — 02-28;
    4. 论文终稿:02-28 - 03-16;
    5. 论文答辩:2015年3月下旬;
    6. 论文二辩:论文答辩后一周(2015年4月);
    7. 论文终稿提交及论文装订(2015年5月)。
    Analysis on China-featured Neologism Translation选题视角独特,很有研究价值,文献综述内容符合要求,研究思路和方法得当,进度安排合理。同意卢同学的开题报告、写作计划和进度安排,可以开始进行具体的写作。
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