摘 要:中国市场经济体制的不断变革,人民的生活质量不断地提高,使得精神文化在人民群众的生活中越来越占有非常大的比重。我国正在迅速推进文化产业的变革,这给文化传媒行业的产业化开展提供了空前的机遇。近年来,文化传媒业正在迎接呈高速发展的趋势,传媒行业的雏形已经在慢慢形成。然而我国的文化传媒业面临着一个问题,因为我国的文化传媒业起步较晚,目前发展处于初级探索阶段,在竞争日益激烈的新世纪,我国的文化传媒业要想在世界上长久的立于不败之地,就要深刻地思考文化传媒业应该应用什么样的盈利模式来给自己的企业带来源源不断的利润,什么样的盈利模式才可以让企业创造属于自己的价值。本文以文化传媒行业最具代表性的公司——华谊兄弟为列,利用财务指标进行数据分析,从而对其盈利模式进行深入研究,并为华谊未来的盈利模式提出合理的建议及对策。94953
Abstract:With the continuous reform of China's market economic system and the improvement of people's living standard, the spiritual culture is more and more important in people's life。 China is accelerating the transformation of the cultural industry, which provides an unprecedented opportunity for the development of cultural media industry。 In recent years, culture and media industry is facing the trend of rapid development, the embryonic form of the media industry has gradually formed。 However, the cultural media industry in China is facing a problem, because of the cultural media industry in China started late, development is at the initial stage of exploration in the new century, the increasingly fierce competition, culture and media industry in China to the world for a long time in an invincible position, must think deeply about the cultural media industry should what kind of applications profit model for their enterprise to bring profits, what kind of profit model can allow enterprises to create their own value。 The company based on the cultural media industry is the most representative of the Huayi Brothers for the column, analyzes the data by the use of financial indicators, so deeply study on the profit model, put forward reasonable suggestions and countermeasures for Huayi future profit model。
Keywords: culture media,Huayi Brothers,profit model,case study
1 引言 4
1。1 文化传媒业现状研究及发展趋势 4
1。2文献综述 5
2 文化传媒行业现有盈利模式 6
2。1 渠道盈利模式 6
2。2 多元化盈利模式 6
2。3 品牌化盈利模式 6
2。4 衍生品盈利模式 6
2。5 全球化盈利模式 7
3 华谊兄弟公司的盈利模式研究 7
3。1 华谊兄弟概况 7
3。2华谊兄弟的盈利模式研究 8
3。2。1盈利增长点分析 8
3。2。2盈利对象分析 9
3。2。3盈利措施分析 10
3。2。4盈利障碍分析 10
3。2。5华谊兄弟价值创造总体分析 10
4 华谊兄弟现有盈利模式存在的问题