    Abstract: With the accelerated pace of global urbanization, compared to the other modes of transport, the market share of the demand for rail transportation   continues to increase. In many countries, railway construction, as an important part of the economic stimulus policy, stimulate the development of rail transportation equipment manufacturing. In addition, new vehicle purchase volume growth, additional investment development and infrastructure upgrade have greatly contributed to the prosperity of rail transportation equipment manufacturing.
    Under this background, it is great significance for rail transportation equipment manufacturing to study the strategic developed plan of the merging of China train maker CSR and CNR. Based on the SWOT analysis, this paper analyzes the relevant factors affecting the merging of China train maker CSR and CNR from multi-angle multi-level. Combined with the results of SWOT analysis, the paper analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and other aspects for the merging, thus to establish a SWOT analysis model. And by SO, ST, WO, WT, four aspects of portfolio strategy development, the paper ultimately puts forward reasonable conclusions and recommendations
    Key word:Rail transportation; Equipment manufacturing; CSR; CNR; Merging; Strategy; SWOT
    引言    1
    一、国内外轨道交通装备制造行业经营发展现状对比    3
    (一)国内轨道交通装备制造行业经营发展现状    3
    1、铁路运输领域    3
    2、城市轨道交通运输与城轨地铁车辆领域    3
    3、国内重点企业    3
    (二)国外轨道交通装备制造行业经营发展现状    4
    二、企业战略及SWOT分析方法    6
    (一)企业战略    6
    (二)SWOT分析方法    6
    1、分析模型    6
    2、分析环境因素    7
    3、建立SWOT分析模型    8
    三、基于SWOT的中国中车公司合并分析    9
    (一)内部能力分析    9
    1、优势因素(Strength)分析    9
    2、劣势因素(Weakness)分析    10
    (二)外部环境分析    11
    1、机会因素(Opportunity)分析    11
    2、威胁因素(Threaten)分析    11
    四、中国中车公司合并战略制定与实施    13
    (一)建立SWOT分析模型    13
    (二)中国中车公司各组合战略的制定    14
    1、SO(优势-机会)组合战略    14
    2、ST(优势-威胁)组合战略    14
    3、WO(劣势-机会)组合战略    14
    4、WT(劣势-威胁)组合战略    15
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