    关键词  上市银行  绩效  股利政策  财务指标
    Title   Dividend policy  in the research of impact on the   performance of listed banks                             
    In recent years, with the continuous development of China's securities market, the financial leader - the banking sector is also growing, as the end of 2014, China's listed banks have 16, including four state-owned banks, the three typical small city Bank and restricted shares almost nationwide bank. It’s important to research the pidend policy’s impact on performance on listed banks.
    Part 1 of the article describes the current situation of the banking sector and Performance of listed companies at home and abroad studies on the current pidend policy and proposed research methods and research. Part 2 is the theoretical review,including pidend theory and performance theory. Section 3 analyzes the impact of signaling theory and agency cost theory of pidend theory of performance and the corresponding assumptions based on theory. Section 4 is the empirical design part, the main sample selection and data sources, variable design, model building three. Part 5 is empirical results analysis, the article by spss19.0 for 2010--2014 listed banks financial data descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis and make a summary. Finally, the paper concludes:
    First, the cash pidend and the performance of listed banks was positively correlated;
    Second, the stock pidend and the uncertain performance of listed banks, positive and negatively correlated circumstances exist;
    Third, the capitalization of listed bank performance is positively correlated;
    This paper studies the impact of pidend policy of listed bank performance, but because of China's listed banks’less sample data, the presence of some of the pitfalls results of the study, to be conducted in the future be more perfect.
    Keywords  Listed Banks  Performance  Dividend policy  Financial index
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景与研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  研究方法与研究内容    4
    2  相关理论概述    5
    2.1  股利分配理论概述    5
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