    Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise M&A Financing Analysis
     Abstract:Along with the economic development of our country, minor enterprises, in terms of medium and small-scale business, become the underpinnings and pivotal forces in the national economy; furthermore, it plays an irreplaceable role in the contribution of the growth of the national economy. It is the force to motivate the national economy to develop healthily, the spearhead of the sustainable development, and the growth engine with the most vitality. However, many SMEs because of lack of funds, faced with the dilemma of imminent collapse, but also from a longer-term perspective, the problem of financing the development of SMEs has become the main obstacle. Currently, the financing of SMEs narrow financing unreasonable, making the slow pace of development of SMEs in China, is not conducive to the formation of long-term competitiveness. Because there is a serious shortfall in the development of SMEs, SMEs should continue to explore financing model, in order to quickly raise enough funds for a limited period of time, to fill the funding gap, and promote sustainable development. Choice of financing is the key to business success financing. SMEs should follow their industry type and their stage of development, the preferred choice of financing. This article aims to help SMEs to get rid of the plight of financing difficulties, making the healthy development of SMEs can provide a new engine for China's rapid economic development.
    Key words: SMES ; M&A; Funding structure; Pre-alertness of risks.
    引言    1
    一、中小企业并购融资概述    2
    (一) 中小企业并购融资的概念    2
    (二)中小企业并购融资的原因    2
    (三)企业并购融资的优势    2
    二、中小企业主要并购融资方式    3
    (一)债务融资方式    3
    1、贷款融资    3
    2、债券融资    3
    (二)权益融资方式    3
    1、股权融资    3
    2、风险投资    3
    (三)创新融资方式    4
    1、杠杆收购融资    4
    2、换股并购融资    4
    3、认股权证融资    4
    4、PE杠杆收购基金    5
    三、中小企业并购融资中存在的问题    6
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