    毕业论文关键词:海外并购   食品企业    经济后果    协同效应  
    Cases study of Chinese food enterprise’s overseas M&A
    Abstract: After the financial crisis in 2008, our Chinese enterprises implement overseas merger and acquisition one after another in order to adapt to the market development, which has ridden the cross-border M&A wave at home. During this process, their M&A range also has expanded from resources to IT and food industry. By the end of 2013, the trading volume of our food enterprises’ overseas merger and acquisition totals 4.877 billion dollars, accounting for one-tenth of the total amount of this industry. This thesis mainly studies the overseas merger and acquisition of Chinese’s food industry. It discusses the current situation, causes and features of overseas M&A in our food industry by analyzing Shuanghui’s acquisition of Smithfield Foods, and analyzes the economic result of the acquisition from the views of capital market and financial index. This study finds that the achievement of this acquisition is not as ideal as expected and its synergy is also not very good. It is estimated that Shuanghui hasn’t passed away the integration period so far may be the reason of the above result. But its success in acquisition still has significance as a practical reference for overseas merger and acquisition of our peer companies.
    Key Words:overseas M&A,  food industry,  economic result,  synergistic effect
    目 录
    一、引言    1
    (一)研究背景与意义    1
    (二)文献综述    2
    (三)理论基础    3
    二、我国企业海外并购概况(以食品行业为例)    4
    (一)海外并购背景(SWOT)分析    4
    (二)现状描述    7
    (三)海外并购面临的风险因素    8
    (四)食品企业海外并购特点    9
    三、双汇国际海外并购案例研究    9
    (一)并购双方简介    9
    (二)并购动因    10
    (三)并购过程    11
    (四)并购整合综述    12
    (五)并购的经济后果详述    12
    (优尔)对双汇收购SFD的评述    19
    四、我国食品企业海外并购的建议与结论    19
    (一)采取渐进策略,积极应对外资并购安全审查    20
    (二)巧妙运用财务杠杆收购,加强与国际金融机构的合作    20
    (三)促进文化整合,提升社会价值    20
    五、结束语    20
    参考文献    22
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