    With the acceleration development of China's reform and opening up and the rapid development of market economy, mergers and acquisitions has become our country socialist market economy can not be ignored. Merger, acquisition and reorganization is not only a means of investment, but also a kind of optimize resource allocation, restructuring enterprises, promote the whole national economic structure adjustment. In 2013 China's economic transformation of industrial upgrading, merger, acquisition and reorganization of the activities in this year to present a strong momentum, completed a total of 2013 cases of m&a 1232 pieces, up 24.3% from a year earlier. From 2007 to 2007, between domestic mergers and acquisitions tend to rapidly rising stage, that is why this year to become more and more focus on enterprise mergers and acquisitions. In this paper, what I choose is retail m&a cases of beer industry, China resources snow beer kingway beer. Analyses of the two companies mergers and acquisitions in front of the respective operating and strategic direction, acquisition of China resources snow beer why kingway beer, by way of acquisition, acquisition through my comprehension for the problems to make approximate decomposition, after the merger integration effect produced by China resources snow again carries on the analysis summary.
    Key words:China resources snow;Kingway beer;Mergers and acquisitions;Strategy;Integration
    目  录
     摘  要    I
    第一章  并购的理论分析    1
    1.1并购的含义    1
    1.2并购的类型    1
    1.3企业并购动机    2
    第二章  华润雪花、金威啤酒企业基本情况    4
    2.1华润雪花公司的基本情况介绍    4
    2.2金威啤酒集团有限公司简介及相关发展介绍    4
    第三章  华润雪花并购金威啤酒过程    7
    3.1全国啤酒行业2008-2012年的概况    7
    3.2金威啤酒被并购过程    8
    第四章  并购后整合发展及存在问题    10
    4.1并购整合后有望市场份额增加    10
    4.2在2013年之后啤酒销量呈逐步上升趋势    10
    4.3并购后存在的问题    11
    第五章  解决并购后问题的建议和对策    13
    5.1安抚老员工抗议情绪及提供良好的职工福利    13
    5.2强化品牌发展降低财务风险    13
    5.3并购方式多样化提高企业可持续发展能力    13
    5.4品牌产品集中生产降低成本    14
    结束语    15
    致  谢    16
    参考文献    17
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