    ABSTRACT Enterprises engaged in business activities, its direct purpose is to maximize profits, and maintain the sustained and stable operation and development, namely, maximizing the value of enterprise value is from two parts to measure the risks and benefits, enterprises in the development of strategic objectives, efforts in the pursuit of risk under certain circumstances, to get as much of the profits, and the risk in the controllable range. Income is measured by profitability, profitability is refers to the enterprise profit ability, profitability is the size of a relative concept, namely profit to certain resources, certain income, profit rate is higher, the higher the profitability strong, profit rate is low, profitability is poor. Therefore, profitability is an important content of financial analysis in the core content. At the same time, enterprise profitability analysis also found the problem, improve the management of enterprises. This breakthrough This paper will use the financial analysis method of profitability analysis, the Yanghe River Brewery Co., Ltd. for profitability analysis, found that the company's financial problems, and find a solution to the problem.
    Key words:profit;analysis of profitability;Financial indicators
    目    录
    摘要    Ⅰ
    引言    1
    第一章  企业盈利能力理论概述    1
    1.1盈利能力的概念    1
    1.2盈利能力的意义    1
    1.3盈利能力分析时应遵循的原则    1
    第二章  盈利能力分析的方法    2
    2.1比较分析法    3
    2.2因素分析法    4
    第三章  盈利能力分析指标    4
    第四章  洋河酒厂盈利能力分析    4
    4.1洋河酒厂简介    4
    4.2盈利能力分析--销售盈利能力分析    5
    4.3盈利能力分析--资产盈利能力分析    6
    4.4盈利能力分析--上市公司盈利能力的特定指标分析    7
    4.5盈利能力分析--现金流量指标    9                       
    第五章  洋河酒厂的建议改进措施    11
    5.1控制成本    11
    5.2提高资金使用效率    12
    5.3控制固定资产规模    12
    5.4 加强管理    13
    结束语    14
    致谢    15   
    参考文献    16
  1. 上一篇:江苏金丝利药业公司现金流管理探微
  2. 下一篇:凯米机械采购成本控制的分析
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