


    Abstract: With the development of Internet technology Internet finance has great development. And with the rapid development of Internet finance, our personal finance are increasingly tend to choose the internet financial planning, and internet finance in the future will also be in the financial sector and personal finance occupy an increasingly important position. However, due to the late start of China's Internet finance, development is more rapid, risk factors for most investors is not very clear, there are a lot of blindness and follow the trend of the phenomenon, which funds inpidual investors the security situation, investment options and income situation caused a lot of uncertainty. This thesis mainly through the characteristics and inadequate of the Internet Monetary Fund, P2P Lending, crowd funding to analyze the risk factors that may come to exist, and the corresponding hedging measures.

    Keywords: Internet finance, personal finance, risk 


    1  引言 4

    2  互联网金融和个人理财概述 4

    2.1  互联网金融概述 4

    2.2  个人理财概述 5

    2.3  互联网金融时代个人理财概述 5

    3  互联网金融时代个人理财方式 5

    3.1  互联网货币基金 5

    3.2  网贷 7

    3.3  众筹网络 8

    4  互联网金融时代个人理财的风险分析 9

    4.1  互联网货币基金的风险分析 9

    4.2  P2P网贷的风险分析 10

    4.3  众筹网络的风险分析 11

    5  防范互联网金融个人理财风险的对策与建议 12

    5.1  防范互联网货币基金的风险的对策与建议 12

    5.2  防范P2P网贷的风险的建议与对策 13

    5.3  防范众筹的风险的对策与建议 13

    结论 14

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16

    1  引言


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