摘要:槌角蝗科(Gomphoceridae)、剑角蝗科(Acrididae)两科昆虫在我国各个地区均有分布,因其成虫不作远距离迁飞,是进行泛生物地理学分析的良好材料。本研究通过查阅文献获得两科蝗虫130种的采集地数据,应用Global mapper将我国政区图分成了45个经纬度5°×5°的单元格,将分布资料按网格整理为网格-分类单元矩阵,使用TNT软件对其进行了简约性分析,获得了6条轨迹,并对这6条轨迹进行了简要的分析。同时对我国槌角蝗科、剑角蝗科两科蝗虫的地理分布规律及其原因进行了初步的讨论。26207 毕业论文关键词:槌角蝗科;剑角蝗科;地理分布;泛生物地理学;轨迹;网格;中国
A Panbiogeography Analysis on Gomphoceridae and Acrididae (Orthoptera) in China
Abstract:Gomphoceridae and Acrididae are distributed in various regions of China. Because members of the two families adapted to certain niches and do not migrate away, they are good materials for panbiogeography analysis. The coordinate date for 130 species of the two families was retrieved from the published papers. And It was added to the map of China, which is added 45 grid cells of 5°×5°. Then a grid-cell‒species metrix was built by the map and it was perfomed a parsimony analysis on the grid-cell‒species metrix by using TNT softwary. Six tracks were generated and presented. Finally, the geographical distribution of the two families were discussed.
Key words: Gomphoceridae; Acrididae; geographical distribution; Panbiogeography; tracks; grid cell; China
目 录
摘要 3
关键词 3
Abstract 3
Key words 3
引言 4
1 研究材料和方法 4
1.1 分布数据的调查与整理 4
1.2 划分分布单元格 4
1.3 构建矩阵与分析 4
2 结果和分析 5
2.1 中国槌角蝗科、剑角蝗科昆虫的地理分布情况 5
2.2 中国槌角蝗科、剑角蝗科昆虫的轨迹分析 5
3 讨论 8
3.1 中国槌角蝗科、剑角蝗科昆虫的地理分布与当地种植的作物有着密切的关系 8
3.2 多样化地貌特征是中国东南部槌角蝗科、剑角蝗科昆虫物种多样化的主要原因 8
4 致谢 9 参考文献: 10
图1 中国槌角蝗科分布图 11
图2 中国剑角蝗科分布图 11
图3 网格化中国电子地图 12
图4 中国槌角蝗科、剑角蝗科昆虫合意树 13
图5 中国槌角蝗科、剑角蝗科昆虫轨迹图 14