摘 要:小麦是河南主要农作物,种植面积占全国的1/5,其产量占全国的1/4,是河南的主要粮食作物之一。从年,河南曾获得“十二连增”的好成绩。在粮食增产诸多因素中,品种对粮食增产的贡献率可高达约40%,因此,选育品种、研究品种和科学利用品种对粮食生产稳定发展具有重大意义。本论文从不同年份省审周麦(株高值,穗粒数,株高值,亩穗数,平均亩产),抗性性状等多方面分析不同性状对小麦生产力提升指数,及相关性。结果表明,小麦不同性状对小麦生产力有不同的影响。对于当前小麦品种存在主要问题进行分析,探讨小麦育种产业化方向存在的问题和解决办法。33761 毕业论文关键词:河南小麦;品种演变;性状分析;生产力
Evolution and productivity analysis for Authorized wheat variety
of henan province
Abstract:Wheat is the main crop in Henan Province. The 1/5wheat area of our country is in Henan province and the 25% total wheat yield. From 2003 to 2014, henan won a "ten consecutive increase" . Among many factors to grain production, the variety can be as high as about 40%, therefore, breeding varieties and scientifically using varieties are very important to stable the development of grain production In the paper, different wheat varieties by authorized from province were analysed from plant height, spike grain number, plant height, spiket number per acre, the average yield et al for getting their productivity developing trend. Different traits to enhance index of productivity of Wheat multi-analysis different traits of wheat productivity index, and correlation. The results showed that different characters of wheat,especially the 1000-seed weight and spike grain number have significant effect on wheat productivity. the main problems of wheat varieties at present were analysed, the wheat breeding direction and industrialization in the future were studied,then some feasible ways were presented to solve them.
Key Words: Wheat; Varieties of evolution; Character analysis; Productivity
目 录
摘 要 1
引 言 2
1.材料和方法 4
1.1数据来源与数据整理 4
1.2数据处理方法 6
2 结果与分析 6
2.1 不同年份审定品种产量性状之间的回归分析 6
2.2 周麦系列小麦品种农艺性状分析 7
2.3 河南审定品种在主要农艺性状上的分布频率分析 8
2.3.1穗粒数分析 8
2.3.2千粒重分析 9
2.3.3亩穗数分析 9
2.3.4 株高分析 10
2.3.5 抗性分析 11
3 结 论 11
4 致 谢.....12
河南省小麦品种演变与生产力分析 引 言
河南省小麦种植面积约 7 900 多万亩,其产量与育种水平一直处于国内的领先地位。 选育的豫麦18 、周麦22 等品种,在河南及周边地区的大面积生产上发挥了重大作用, 极大的推动了全国小麦的持续增产,对构建国家粮食核心区的建设和国家的粮食安全有重要贡献[1-3]。2014年中央一号文件:“实施以我为主、立足国内、确保产能、适度进口、科技支撑的国家粮食安全战略,确保谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全”。业内共识:世界小麦看中国,中国小麦看河南。