摘要:本文调查徐州市云龙公园的植物种类、生长状况、配置应用等,结果发现云龙公园共有园林植物 259种,其中乔木类77 种、灌木类64种、藤本类8种、水生类11种、竹类8种,草坪与地被类91种。公园树种主要应用形式为孤植、群植等。观花小乔木在公园绿化应用树种中并不多,形式也较为单一;灌木类树种较少,但应用数量和面积大,常见应用形式是群植、丛植或规整式绿篱等;藤木类树种种类及应用均不多,主要应用形式是垂直绿化,多见于廊架绿化,较少应用于墙面绿化或坡地绿化。公园也存在病虫害防治、游憩设施不完善等问题。据此提出相应的植物景观配置、养护管理等建议。37483 毕业论文关键词:云龙公园;植物种类;应用形式;调查;徐州市
Investigation on the species and application of Yunlong park
Abstract: In this paper, investigation of xuzhou yunlong park plant species, growth condition, configuration, application, etc., found that yunlong park a total of 259 species of garden plants, including trees class 77 and 64 kinds of shrubs, vine class eight and 11 kinds of aquatic and 8 kinds of bamboo, the lawn and the class of 91. Park tree main application form for solitary planting, group planting, etc. Small trees in the park greening application that watch a flower tree species is not much, in the form also is relatively single. Shrubs class tree species is less, but the application number and area is large, the common application form is groupings, clump planting or neat hedge, etc.; Fujiki class tree species and the application are few, the main application form is vertical greening, see more at corridor greening, less applied in metope greening or slope greening. Park also exist in the prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests, recreation facilities etc. On the basis of which the plant landscape of corresponding configuration, maintenance management and so on.
Key words :Yunlong park;Plant species;The application form;survey;Xuzhou city
引言 1
1 研究概况、研究内容和方法 2
1.1研究区概况 2
1.2研究内容和方法 2
1.2.1 研究内容 2
1.2.2 研究方法 2
2 结果与分析 3
2.1公园树种种类构成分析 3
2.1.1落叶乔木类 3
2.1.2常绿乔木类 4
2.1.3常绿灌木类 4
2.1.4落叶灌木类 4
2.1.5草本地被类 4
2.1.6藤本类 5
2.1.7水生类 5
2.1.8 竹类 5
2.2公园绿化树种的应用配置状况、生长状况分析 5
3.2.1 落叶乔木类 5
3.2.3 落叶灌木类 7
3.2.4 常绿灌木类 8
3.2.5 草本地被类 9
3.2.6 藤本类 9
3.2.7 水生类 10
3.2.6 竹类 10
3 建议 11
3.1建立基调树种,加强对病虫害的防治 11
3.2充分发挥公园草坪与地被的景观功能 11
3.3增添水生空间景观层次 11
3.4丰富植物景观的游憩功能 12
3.5加大爱绿护绿的宣传力度 12
致谢 12
参考文献 12
附录 14