摘要以桂花品种籽银桂(O.fragrans ‘ziyingui’)的幼胚为外植体,研究了不同激素条件对离体培养桂花幼胚存活率、愈伤化率、出芽率及幼胚生长状况的影响。以籽银桂、绿梗籽银桂、“庐州黄”籽银桂、莲籽丹桂4个桂花品种的幼胚为外植体,研究了相同激素条件对离体培养桂花幼胚存活率、愈伤化率、出芽率及幼胚生长状况的影响。47402

实验结果表明:相同激素条件下,在28天的暗培养后,莲子丹桂的愈伤化程度最大,达到100.00%,培养64天后,绿梗籽银桂苗高的平均长度最大,苗高的平均长度达到1.600cm。培养109天后,绿梗籽银桂苗高的平均长度最大,苗高的平均长度达到2.950cm。培养169天后,莲籽丹桂苗高的平均长度最大,苗高的平均长度达到2.794cm。培养254天的后,莲籽丹桂苗高的平均长度最大,苗高的平均长度达到2.890cm。不同激素条件下,培养152天后,籽银桂在培养基(1/2MS+0.5mg/LTDZ+0.1mg/LNAA+1.0g/LPVP)生长的平均苗高最大,长度达到2.163cm。培养254天后,培养基(1/2MS+0.25mg/LTDZ+0.1mg/LNAA+1.0g/LPVP)诱导生长愈伤相对明显,愈伤率为3.13%;培养基(1/2MS+0.5mg/LTDZ+0.1mg/LNAA+1.0g/LPVP)诱导生长愈伤不明显,愈伤率为0.00%。在相同激素条件(培养基:1/2MS + 0.1mg•L-1TDZ + 1.0 g•L-1 PVP)下,籽银桂经过105天的继代培养之后,丛生芽率为16.28%,经过167天的继代培养之后,丛生芽率为40.38%。经过254d的继代培养,籽银桂的丛生芽率为61.90%,而绿梗籽银桂的丛生芽率为0.00%。经过169d的继代培养,“庐州黄”籽银桂的丛生芽率最大,为36.36%,莲籽丹桂的丛生芽率次之,为 11.76%,而绿梗籽银桂的丛生芽率为0.00%。经过254d的继代培养,“庐州黄”籽银桂的丛生芽率最大,为 100.00%,莲籽丹桂的丛生芽率次之,为20.00%,而绿梗籽银桂的丛生芽率为0.00%。

Abstract The cultivars of Osmanthus fragrans seeds (O.fragrans' Ziyingui ') in the immature embryos as explants, the effects of different hormone conditions on the influence of Osmanthus fragrans embryo survival rate, callus rate, germination rate and growth of immature embryo culture in vitro. The seeds in seed, green stems, Luzhou in yellow seeds, lotus seeds of Osmanthus fragrans in 4 cultivars of Osmanthus fragrans embryo as explant, studied the same hormone influences on the survival rate, sweet scented osmanthus immature embryo callus rate, germination rate and growth of immature embryo culture in vitro.

The experimental results show that: under the condition of the same hormones in the dark, after 28 days of culture, the callus of lotus seeds of Osmanthus is the largest, reached 100.00%, after 64 days of culture, the average length of green stalk seedling seed in the maximum, the average length of seedling height reached 1.600cm. After 109 days of culture, the average length of green stalk seedling seed in the maximum, the average length of seedling height reached 2.950cm. After 169 days of culture, the average length of the largest lotus seed seedling height, average length of seedling height reached 2.794cm. After 254 days of culture, the average length of the largest lotus seed seedling height, average length of seedling height reached 2.890cm. Under different hormone conditions, after 152 days of culture, in the culture medium of Osmanthus fragrans seeds (1/2MS+0.5mg/LTDZ+0.1mg/LNAA+1.0g/LPVP) growth and the average seedling height, length up to 2.163cm. After 254 days of culture, culture medium (1/2MS+0.25mg/LTDZ+0.1mg/LNAA+1.0g/LPVP) to induce callus growth is  

relatively obvious, the callus rate was 3.13%; the medium (1/2MS+0.5mg/LTDZ+0.1mg/LNAA+1.0g/LPVP) to induce callus growth was not obvious, the callus rate was 0.00%.In the same hormone conditions (medium: 1/2MS + 0.1mg L-1TDZ + 1 g L-1 PVP), Osmanthus fragrans seeds after 105 days of subculture, bud rate was 16.28% after 167 days of subculture, bud rate was 40.38%. After 254d seeds in the subculture, bud rate was 61.90%, while the seeds in green stalk buds rate was 0.00%. 169d after subculture, "Luzhou yellow" seed in shoots was the highest, 36.36%, the seeds of Osmanthus in the bud rate, 11.76%, green stems and seeds in the bud rate was 0.00%. 254d after subculture, "Luzhou yellow" seed in shoots was the highest, 100.00%, the seeds of Osmanthus in the bud rate, 20.00%, green stems and seeds in the bud rate was 0.00%.

















