摘 要:白粉病是黄瓜栽培生产中重要的病害,常年造成20%以上的产量损失。利用微生物菌剂防治黄瓜白粉病已取得明显进展。本研究选取实验室前期筛选的HY-8菌剂和陶氏益农的卡拉生进行田间试验,HY-8菌剂分别以100倍和200倍两种浓度对植株喷药。结果表明:所筛选HY-8菌剂对黄瓜白粉病的防效为77.12%,卡拉生对黄瓜白粉病的防效为83.10%,均具有良好防效。但仍存在菌种的生物防效不及化学防效的问题,故优化菌株提高其抗白粉病能力成为需要改进的问题。62472
Abstract: Powdery mildew is a kind of important disease in the production of cucumber cultivation, with many years of production losses caused by more than 20%. Using microbial agent cucumber powdery mildew has made obvious progress. This study selected laboratory early screening of HY - 8 inoculants and benefit farmers Carla gave birth to the field experiment, HY - 8 inoculants with 100 times and 200 times respectively two kinds of concentration plant spraying. Results showed that the screening of HY - 8 inoculants on cucumber powdery mildew control effect of 77.12%, Carla born on cucumber powdery mildew control effect of 83.10%, which has good control effect. But there are still strains of biological control effect than chemical control effect, so the optimum strain to improve the ability of resistance to powdery mildew of becoming a problem which needs to be improved.
Keywords: powdery mildew, biological control, the field test
1. 前言..5
2. 白粉病病原菌..5
2.1 病原菌特性5
2.2 病原菌侵染途径5
2.3 症状识别5
2.4 发病规律及发病条件6
3. 白粉病的防治措施..6
3.1 种植抗病品种6
3.2 加强栽培管理6
3.3 物理防治....7
3.4 化学药剂防治7
3.5 生物防治7
4. 材料与方法..7
4.1 试验地状况7
4.2 试验设计8
4.2.1 菌剂对黄瓜白粉病的田间处理.8
4.3 结果....8
4.3.1 白粉病生防菌株田间防效情况.....8
4.3.2 试验效果图.9
5. 结果与分析12
6. 讨论13
1 前言
黄瓜白粉病俗称白毛,又称“白毛病”、“粉霉病”,这是一种分布广、传播速度很快的病害。在中国南方和北方不论温室、大棚及露地栽培的瓜地均有发生,若不及时防治,将会导致植株叶片枯焦,早衰,严重影响瓜品质和产量[ ]。在我国,每年都因白粉病的发生造成大量损失[ ],病原菌主要是通过气流传播,在作物的整个生育期都可侵染,是一种潜育期短、流行性强的叶部病害,也可危害茎蔓、叶柄,而瓜果则较少被染病,一般在植株生长中、后期病情发展迅速,引起叶片枯黄、植株干枯,我国每年都因白粉病的发生而导致减产20%~30%[ , ],随着设施栽培的发展,此病的危害越来越重。目前对白粉病仍以化学防治为主,但由于化学药剂的大量使用对人畜产生一定的危害并且造成严重的环境污染,同时也会导致病原菌产生抗药性,所以白粉病的生物防治迫在眉睫。
2 白粉病病原菌
2.1 病原菌特性
黄瓜白粉病的病原菌有瓜类单囊壳(Sphaerotheca cucurbitae)和葫芦科白粉菌也称二孢白粉菌(Erysiphe cichoracearum )两种真菌[ ]。两种菌的无性世代相似。分生孢子串生,无色,椭圆形。分生孢子梗不分枝,圆柱形,无色。有性世代均产生扁球形、暗褐色、无孔口的闭囊口,表面着生菌丝状的附属丝[ ]。单丝壳白粉菌的闭囊壳产生于菌丝表面,壳内有1个子囊,其内含8个子囊孢子。二孢白粉病的闭囊壳产生在菌丝层内,闭囊壳内一般有10~15个子囊,其内含2个子囊孢子,很少有3个[ ]。以单丝壳白粉病发生较为普遍。