摘 要:采用砂培法进行试验,以玉米品种“郑单-958”作为试材,研究防腐剂胁迫下玉米种子分别喷施清水,硫胺素,腐胺,硫胺素与腐胺在最适浓度下体积比为1:3、1:1和3:1混合液对玉米幼苗生长发育的影响。结果表明,与对照组相比,在防腐剂处理下,玉米幼苗的叶绿素含量降低,丙二醛含量、游离脯氨酸含量和可溶性糖含量升高;与防腐剂处理组相比,激素腐胺以及腐胺与硫胺素等体积混合能提高叶绿素含量,降低丙二醛、游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量。因此,防腐剂对玉米幼苗的生长有抑制和毒害作用,腐胺和腐硫1:1能够缓解防腐剂对玉米幼苗造成的抑制和毒害作用,其中,以腐胺的缓解效果最好。关键词: 玉米幼苗;硫胺素;腐胺;防腐剂胁迫 8903
The Response of Corn Seeding to Two Kinds of Exogenous Hormones Treatment under Preservative Stress
Abstract: Using sand culture, corn seeding were improved by foliage sprayed of water, Thiamine, Putrescine, the volume ratio between Thiamine and Putrescine being 1:3、1:1、3:1 on optimal concentration, study the effects of thiamine and putrescine on growing development of Zheng dan 958 under preservative stress. The results showed that , compared with the control, the preservatives stress could decrease the content of chlorophyll, increase soluble sugar content, free proline content and MAD content. However, under the treatment with Putrescine and mixed hormone with isometric Thiamine and Putrescine, MAD, soluble sugar and free proline content were induced, while the chlorophyll content were promoted. It indicated that corn seeding growth was inhibited under Preservative stress, and the inhibition could be alleviated under the treatment of Putrescine and mixed hormone with isometric Thiamine and Putrescine. The results showed that the alleviating effect of Putrescine is the best.
Key words: Corn seeding; Thiamine; Putrescine; Preservative stress
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