    The preparative technique and applied research of the extracts from tremella
    Abstract: In this study, the preparative technique and applied research of the extracts from tremella were studied. By adjust the four influence factors: the time of the extract( from 2 hours to 10 hours), the pH of the extracting solution(from 4 to 10), the temperature of the extract (from 80 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius), and the ratio of material to solvent (from 1:40 to 1:120). By measuring the absorbance of the extracts from tremella, and contrasting with the canonical plotting, so that we can get the mass concentration of the extracts from tremella. According the mass concentration, the optimum synthesis conditions for the extracts from tremella is that the time of the extract is 4, the temperature of the extract is 100 degrees Celsius and the ratio of material to solvent is 1:80. After that I do the four factors, four levels orthogonal experiment and measure the absorbance of the extract from tremella, the optimal factors is that the time of the extract is 5, the temperature of the extract is 100 degrees Celsius and the ratio of material to solvent is 1:80. At last, by joining the rheolobic modifiers, hydrolyzed glycosaminoglycans and the soluble oil, lower the sticky feeling of the cosmetics. According to the experiment, joining the material with the bate adhesive efficiencyand fasting the rate of absorption can achieve the results.
    KeyWords:tremella extract; preparation; mass concentration of polysaccharide
    1.绪论    1
     1.1 概述    1
      1.1.1 天然植物萃取物在化妆品中的应用    1
      1.1.2 天然植物萃取物的保湿作用    1
      1.1.3 多糖型保湿剂    2
      1.1.4 银耳的形态和功效    3
      1.1.5 银耳多糖    4
      1.1.6 银耳多糖提取工艺    5
     1.2 本课题的研究目的和意义    5
    2.实验材料与方法    5
     2.1 实验材料与试剂    6
     2.2 仪器与设备    6
     2.3 实验方法    7
      2.3.1 水提法工艺流程    7
      2.3.2 银耳多糖提取液中银耳多糖质量浓度的测定    7
      2.3.3 银耳多糖提取液的粘度测定    8
      2.3.4 银耳多糖提取液的流变性测定    8
      2.3.5含银耳多糖护肤品的保湿型测定    8
    3.实验结果与讨论    9
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