
    The formula design of fermented water bamboo rice milk beverage
    Abstract: To expand the use of fresh water bamboo and broken rice, the research discuss the main processing parameters about the water bamboo powder by color protecting and drying. Broken rice is taken as the main material fermented with water bamboo powder, sugar and milk powder through lactobacillus. Study shows that water bamboo powder in high quality is made at 40℃, 0.085Mpa under the condition of vacuum drying after the color protection of water bamboo sheet at 1mm. Broken rice is grounded into powder through the 100-mesh sieve, pasted in heated water by 1:16, adding 0.6% amylase and 0.6% glucoamylase at 60℃ for 20 minutes, then 2% water bamboo powder, 7% sugar, 2% milk powder and 1% emulsion stabilizers(Sodium carboxymethylcellulose: Guar gum: Gelatin=2: 3: 2) is mixed together with it. Fermented by 0.05‰ lactobacillus at 37℃ for 12h after the deploymenet and sterilization, fermented water bamboo rice milk beverage in good color, smell, taste and shape is gotten.
    Keyword:Water bamboo, rice beverage, fermentation, compound colloid

    1  绪论    1
    1.1本课题国内外研究现状概述    1
    1.1.1茭白的概述    1
    1.1.2大米的概述    4
    1.1.3 蛋白饮料稳定性研究    6
    1.2本课的研究目的及意义    9
    材料与方法    10
    2.1实验材料    10
    2.2 实验仪器设备    11
    2.3 实验方法    12
    2.3.1 发酵茭白米饮料的制备工艺流程    12
    2.3.2茭白干粉的制作    12
    2.3.3 大米酶解液的制作    12
    2.3.4 原料配方的确定    12
    2.3.5 条件的确定    13
    2.3.6 胶体复配的确定    13
    2.3.7 乳化剪切    13
    2.3.8 均质    13
    2.3.9 杀菌灭酶    13
    2.3.10 发酵    13
    2.3.11 杀菌热灌    13
    2.3.12 冷却成品    14
    2.3.13 成品感官评价指标及评分标准    14
    3  结果与讨论    15
    3.1 茭白粉的制作    15
    3.1.1磨浆法热风干燥茭白粉的制作    15
    3.1.2切片法真空干燥茭白粉的制作    15
    3.2 配方的确定(四个单因子筛选基础上响应面优化    16
    3.2.1米水比例确定    16
    3.2.2糖添加量的确定    16
    3.2.3 全脂奶粉添加量的确定    17
    3.2.3茭白粉添加量    18
    3.2.5 对原料配比进行相应面优化    18
    3.4 发酵条件的确定(单因素实验)    19
    3.4.1 发酵温度的确定    19
    3.4.2 发酵时间的确定    20
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