


    The development of promoting the intestinal health  nutrition powder

    Abstract:From adding milk Bifidobacterium Bi-07, animal Bifidobacterium Bb-12 and dairy Bifidobacterium coli Bi-07 and animal bifid Bacillus Bb-12 mixed protein nutrition powder, this paper studied nitrogen filling, storage temperature, and different kinds of probiotic yuan on the effect of three kinds of protein powder stability. Experimental with live probiotics bacteria as indexes, through anaerobic operation periodically to determine viable residue number, so as to obtain the best protein powder storage conditions, and in 22 degrees under normal temperature without filling nitrogen oligo galactose, fructo oligosaccharide and two kind of prebiotic mixture added to promote the activity of probiotic effect research. Results show that suitable as adding Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 of protein nutrition powder storage conditions for 22 degrees and not filled with nitrogen; suitable as adding Bifidobacterium Bb-12 protein powder storage conditions for 37 degrees and nitrogen filling; suitable as add dairy Bifidobacterium coli Bi-07 and animal bifid Bacillus Bb-12 mixed protein nutrition powder storage conditions for 22 degrees and filled with nitrogen.Experiment by adding prebiotics of prebiotics on two strains and mixed strain stability in nutritional powder. The results show that the prebiotic oligofructose added into Bi-07 protein powder can be best to keep Bi-07 probiotic activity; prebiotic oligosaccharides lactose and low fructosan in a 1:1 mixture added into Bb-12 protein powder can be best to preserve the probiotic Bb-12 activity; probiotic yuan to oligo galactose added into the Bi-07 and Bb-12 mixed protein powder can be best to preserve the Bi-07 and Bb-12 mixed probiotic activity.

    KeyWords: Probiotics; prebiotics; number of viable bacteria;nutrition power; anaerobic


    1绪论 1

    1.1 益生菌简介 1

    1.2 益生菌在国内外研究进展 2

    1.3 益生元简介 2

    1.3.1 低聚半乳糖(GOS)的生理功能 3

    1.3.2 低聚半乳糖的应用 4

    1.3.3 低聚果糖(FOS)的生理功能 4

    1.3.4 低聚果糖的应用 5

    1.4 本课题研究目的和意义

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  2. 下一篇:香料植物香紫苏的开发利用
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