
    摘要:为开发利用桑叶,提高其附加值,本课题以桑叶提取液的抗氧化性为指标,分别分析比较了传统热水浸提法和加酶浸提法对桑叶生理活性成分的提取方法;并在此基础上研究了桑叶提取物的抗氧化稳定性,确定了桑叶饮料的制备工艺,同时还研究了桑叶饮料储藏环境对其货架期的影响。结果表明不同的提取方法对桑叶饮料的抗氧化性能有明显的影响,与传统热水浸提方法相比采用加酶浸提法提取桑叶活性成分更加高效,提取效果更好。桑叶生理活性成分加酶浸提的最佳提取条件为:料液比为1:30,纤维素酶浓度2.0%,50℃下提取50min。 桑叶饮料最佳调配工艺条件为:蔗糖5%、柠檬酸0.2%、VC0.04%。桑叶饮料室温下的货架期为90d左右。48660


     Extraction of physiologically active components of mulberry leaves and preparation of its beverage

    Abstract: In order to promote the development and utilization of mulberry leaves, the extracting methods (hot water extraction and enzymatic extraction) for active ingredient in mulberry leaves were comparatively researched for its antioxidant activities. Based on it, the stability of active ingredients in mulberry leaves, the optimal extraction process for mulberry leaves beverage and the shelf-life of mulberry leaves beverage under different storage condition were studied respectively. The experimental results show that different extracting method of mulberry leaf beverage has distinct effect on the oxidation resistance, compared with the traditional method using enzymatic extraction saves time, extracting effect is better.  The ideal condition for 1:30, ratio of feed liquid extraction, temperature 50 ℃ for 50 minutes, enzyme concentration was 2.0%. The best mixing process conditions of mulberry leaves as follows: sugar 5%, citric acid 0.2%, VC0.04 %. The shelf life of mulberry leaf beverage at room temperature is for 90 days. 

    Key words: mulberry leaves, Active ingredients, Extraction method, Beverage services.


    1绪论 1

    1.1本课题的国内外研究现状 1

    1.1.1桑叶概述 1

    1.1.2桑叶的营养成分及其功能 1

    1.1.3桑叶的研究及开发利用情况 3

    1.1.4桑叶中生理活性成分的提取方法  4

     1.2本课题的研究目的和意义 6

    2实验材料和方法 7

    2.1实验材料与试剂 7

    2.2实验仪器设备 7

    2.3实验方法 8

    2.3.1工艺流程 8

    2.3.2样品预处理 8

    2.3.3桑叶水分含量的测定 8

    2.3.4桑叶中生理活性物质的热水浸提方法研究 8

    2.3.5桑叶中生理活性物质的酶解提取方法研究 9

    2.3.6桑叶生理活性物质抗氧化性的测定方法 11

    2.3.7饮料调配正交实验 11

    2.3.8感官评定方法 12

    2.3.9桑叶饮料货架期实验 12

     3结果与讨论 13

    3.1干燥桑叶水分含量 13

    3.2 桑叶中生理活性物质的热水浸提法研究

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