In recent years, with the rapid globalization of the world economy, e-commerce has also been a rapid development of online shopping, with its convenient advantages to people's lives has brought great convenience. We can according to different purposes preferences, browse a variety of shop to the higher cost of goods purchased. However, due to the virtual nature of the network, customers get the goods before, only in the product information posted online to obtain relevant information and pictures of goods according to the store. At this time, the credit transaction and demand are very prominent revealed. Both supply and demand in online trading, mutual trust is the fundamental guarantee for the transaction. For this reason, in order to ensure the accuracy of product information, most of the site to establish a feedback mechanism that allows the buyer to the seller after the close of trading left evaluation, shopping sites and then evaluate each of these back together, to build a seller feedback evaluation in order to solve the asymmetric information problems such transaction.
Choose one or more of the current shopping site, establish a reasonable credit evaluation model for the shop on the site, and on this basis, the buyer how to choose an ideal shop to trade construct a mathematical model, while the different attributes of goods to consumers about the different attributes of goods made reasonable shopping strategy.
[Key words]:Feedback;Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP);Linear weighting method;Shopping strategy 0-1 programming model
目 录
摘 要I AbstractII
1、 前言1
1.1 研究背景3
1.2 国内外网上购物研究现状5
1.3 研究目的与内容5
2、 网店的信用评价模型分析7
3、 网店的信用评价模型假设11
4、 模型的建立与求解12
5、 模型验证12
参考文献 26
1前 言
1.1 研究背景
有一家美国的调研机构conScore Networks提供了以下事实,2007年1月,全球互联网使用人数达到了7.47亿人,同比增长了10%;中国的网民数量和美国不相上下,达到了8670万人,同比增长率达到20%,如果包括其他的网络使用方法,如网吧等其他公众场合上网的人数,中国网民高达1.37亿人。随着增加的互联网用户,在全球范围内的电子商务和网络购物市场也以指数的速度递增。据国际零售联盟的数字分部Shop.org的调查数据显示,全球网络零售额在2006年达到2200亿美元,年增长率为25%。在中国,随着消费者网络消费观念的普及,第三方支付平台的出现及信用评价体系的建立,为中国消费者网上购物的市场规模带来快速发展。2001年中国网络购物市场的总体用户规模仅为375万人,2006年已增加到4310万人,网络购物的交易额也从2001年的6亿元增加到2006年的312亿元,目前为止,我国网民规模已经达到4.2亿人,互联网普及率高达31.8%。手机网民在此发挥了极大的作用,成为拉动中国总体网民规模上升的重要动力,半年内新增4334万,达到2.77亿人,增幅为18.6%。